Hopes of a Happy Ending ||| Part 2

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When I first wake up I'm really confused because 1 I remember everything 2... I'm not back at the beginning where the entrance to the portal is. But I don't have much time to think as I immediately start to throw up.
I feel like throwing up shouldn't hurt so much.... "That's because it shouldn't, also when and how did you get sick???"
I immediately jump up, which was a bad decision as I immediately started to fall over. But I'm immediately caught.... "Shadow?!"
"Yea hi it's me, Shadow. Now answer me! When and how did you get sick-..." I didn't even realize he had stopped talking to me and started panicking as I stared off. That was until he harshly gripped my shoulders to get my attention. "Hey Host, Sabre, stay awake and eyes on me." As I look at him he looks strangely, worried?
"Ok so something clearly happened that I'm not aware of. I may not care about you but you are my host and I'm stuck with you so what happened? If you know that is." I start to take everything in, all the past resets, time loops, and Origins words. I myself may not understand everything but it might be best to tell someone. And Origin did say something about how people will only remember I want them to... oh well just how bad can this possibly go?

Ok... Shadow is definitely taking this really well— "WHAT THE ACTUAL F-" "NO SWEARING!"

It's been a few hours now, I now realize that this is the Old Training Post just outside the Rainbow Kingdom. Which means that this is right after I got freed from the darkness grasp. "So if what you're telling me is true Sabre, then we really need to stop the darkness from laying siege to the kingdom that will happen in about an hour or so now don't we?"
I stop in my tracks, I totally forgot that's going to happen. I am officially panicking, because turns out what I was puking earlier was darkness. Turns out that the rewind in time has done something to my body so now my body rejects any and all kinds of darkness. Except for Shadow for some reason, I think it might have something to do that he was partially made from me. Which technically makes him half-human. Maybe I can get him a body at some point. Right now I have the Shadow Sword in a sword sheath from an old colorless guard uniform.
"Ok, but how? If I try to go and get help it will be too late." I don't think either of us know what to do due to the fact we're both just sitting in silence.
"Welp time to go in head first and hope that this works!" Shadow quickly grabs onto me before I'm able to run off. "SABRE NO!" "SABRE YES! And let go, I have to help everyone." He lets go only for a moment so he could facepalm. "Ok and how do you think you're going to do this with no powers?"
The second Shadow even slightly loosens his grip, I rip my arm free and start running for it. "Head first let's go!" It takes a second for Shadow to realize what just happened but he immediately starts to run after me. "Oh for gooDNESS SAKE SABRE!" Oh no the shady boi is mad! "I CAN STILL HEAR YOU! AND WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME?!" Wait no it was a joke—

Now we're here... I can see Soul and Corrupt in the distance. It's now or never, "Shadow can you try and lend me your voice?" I faintly feel as Shadows energy runs through me, but there's no lightning. "Did it work- oh, hey it still works!"
"Yes, now hurry up to Soul and Corrupt."

"Now watch as your plans come to fruition, Sabre!" "Sabre? You're working for them, the rumors were true?!"
"Wait no I'm not please listen to me!" The next few seconds go on in a blur. I don't feel as I reject Shadow from my body, or as I separate him from the sword. Or as I teleport him somewhere or as I make shields form around the guards and Light. But I feel... powerful.
"PLEASE JUST STOP!" There's a bright flash of light as I fly up in the air. I feel as something form on my back and above my head. I feel an infinite amount of power well up inside of me. I reach out my right hand, palm out and a bright light forms out of my palm.
"I said STOP!" The ball of light that had been forming in my hand turned into a beam eclipsing the entirety of the darkness army. Soul and Corrupt narrowly escaped by the hair on their necks by teleporting.
The last thing I hear is, who I assume is Light calling out is "Sabre, You actually did it! Saber? SABRE!" And I fall to the ground....

Eglaf ||| Rainbow Quest MultishotWhere stories live. Discover now