Chapter 22: Iris Callahan

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I always thought aftercare would be awkward. I do think it's important for sure, but it's just a naturally awkward thing. An individual just had one of the best human experiences (in my opinion) and now the people that had sex are supposed to do other things like it didn't happen. 

Or like, I'm not even sure, care for each other afterward. The idea of it, and the past execution of it that I've had previously, has been the most awkward experience in my life. But of course, as everything is, it's different with Jax. 

I fucking love knowing his name. It makes everything more intimate because I know how close Devil's Rose MC members hold them. It's special to give someone their real name. I'm extremely grateful that I'm someone Jax trusts enough.

I trust him enough to know mine, though the practice of hiding my real name isn't sacred, and I trust him enough to give me a bath after having incredible wake-up sex. I haven't had wake-up sex before. Past relationships in my life weren't like that. 

I think he's trying to be different than my ex-fiance who Jax knows all about. I can't appreciate him more for that. My ex wasn't all bad, I can't say that he was, but he wasn't the guy for me. I have a feeling that Jax is though. He means a lot to me even in such a short period of time. 

As we said in the beginning, it's best for us to go with the flow when it comes to our relationship. If it so happens that I end up sleeping over at his house every night and a lot of my stuff ends up at his house, and he asks me to just move in, and I say yes, then that's what happens.

If none of that happens, then we can't control the outcome of that either.

As I sit here with him though, taking in this soft and sweet moment, I know I don't want it to end. I want to be more than just a woman that he knew in the past. I think I want to be his future as crazy as that might sound. 

Jax telling me his real name signifies that for him too. I know more about MC culture than he thinks I do. That partly has to do with the research I've done on MCs and Devil's Rose more specifically. 

When I realized, after something happened with a past gang in Grove Heights or around the area (I can't quite remember all the details), I knew that there would be more of an MC presence. When that happened, I wanted to know everything that I possibly could for safety but also for understanding. 

So, I got Caterina to do some digging for me - she has more connections in the Grove Heights world than I do - and she got me some information on the traditions of Devil's Rose.

I don't know who gave her the information, but it's all turned out to be true so far. Of course, none of the information had anything to do with their members, plans, contacts, or anything of the sort, it was just about traditions and culture that I was curious about. 

I feel like a lot of MCs have similar traditions too though based on the broader definition of what it entails to be an MC. Road names are a common structure put in place, and I'm pretty sure prospects are too, but I'm not an expert. 

I could ask Jax all my questions since this life is his life and has been since he was a child. He's told me a lot, so I'm not sure I can know much more without being part of the club, as a prospect, member, or Old Lady (none of which I'm expecting).

I hear both of our phones go off in his bedroom, which tells me that we need to get a move on with our lives. I stand up from the tub and wrap a towel around my body, the cold air striking harshly. 

I change into a set of clothes that I had packed earlier and put in my purse because I had an idea of where I would end up last night. Turns out I was correct. 

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