Chapter 17: Iris Callahan

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Slasher lays a gentle kiss on my forehead before nudging my chin tenderly with his thumb.

Holy fuck.

I step back toward Slasher, hitting his chest.

Three people are behind a glass wall. A woman lays on her stomach and chest, breasts pressed into the table she lays on. A man with a whip-looking tool stands behind her, his dicked buried fully into her. 

Another man stands in front of her, his dick down her throat and his hand pulling at her hair. All three are moaning, grunting, and making sounds I've never heard in my life. The nameless woman practically squeals as the man behind her whacks her harshly with the tool, and he grins, taking a second to rub at her clit with the same tool. 

People outside the room are either watching, fucking someone else, and/or masturbating, or doing all those things at the same time. The amount of orgasms that are happening around me is overwhelming.

My eyes are wide open, my whole body pressed tensely against Slasher for support. He wraps an arm around my waist and keeps me to him as I try to soak all of this in. The smell of sex fills my nose at the same time the chorus of moans fills my ears. 

My heart hurts from beating so hard, and the fear back in my system. I can't do this. I absolutely cannot be here right now. I think I'm actually about to have a heart attack. I grasp at Slasher's hands and dig my fingernails into his skin. 

I shake my head, signaling to him that I no longer want to be in that room, and he quickly backs us out of it and turns me around once we've gotten into a hallway.

"I promise I have nothing against people doing what they want to do but that was too much. And I'm guessing there's so so much more."

"You would be right," he agrees but doesn't say anything else for a moment.

"Are you feeling okay?" he continues.

"I'm not like freaking out now."

"But you were in there."

I nod my head into his chest, his fingers running through my hair to calm me.

"Why were you that nervous? Or reacting like that?"

"I haven't seen sex so blatant, not other people. Not that many people."

"I understand that," he reassures me, "but it was like you were having a panic attack in there."

"There's kind of a long story behind that," I acknowledge, feeling the return of the panic I had from a night before, way before, I had even known that the Devil's Rose MC existed.

It was right when I first moved to Grove Heights so about two years ago. Now, it's still not the cleanest and safest place to live from the smaller towns surrounding that area, but it was way different then. I mean, way different. It was just a growing city, so I guess larger gangs and organizations legal or not didn't exactly have much of a reason to be in the area. 

This meant that up-and-coming gangs were able to do as they wished, so it wasn't like there was a set of rules that would it easier to stay alive. But the only reason that that has anything to do with my story is that it just wasn't a good place to be.

I was young and stupid. While I understand that what happened was entirely my fault, I could have also made better decisions to have avoided it altogether. I just started dancing for Maximilliano when the club was called Strip Drop which was then changed to Open Tease about a month after I got there. I prefer Open Tease much more. 

Anyway, I didn't know what I was doing. All I knew was that I got up on stage, got naked, got tips, handed out a few drinks, and got more tips. I wasn't even doing private dances yet. I was trying to make my mark as Lavender to get more money. I didn't even think I would be at the club for that much longer. It was supposed to be a shorter gig. 

I didn't end up quitting because the job that I was offered fell through, and I had nowhere else to go. There was nothing that I could do except keep making more money to live.

It was later in the night, and I was about to get off my shift when a younger man more around my age of twenty-one at the time. Being twenty-three which isn't that much older, I feel like I know so much more about life. It may be this job or the experiences I have had because of it, but I feel thirty rather than in my early twenties. Anyway, he came in with cash in hand, and he was ready to spend it, no doubt. The other girls tried latching onto him pretty quickly, sensing the same thing, but he wouldn't take his eyes off of me. It was the first time a man came into the strip club with an agenda to see me. Every man in there has an agenda but usually, it has nothing to do with the dancers or a specific dancer. He was different though.

He didn't even request a private dance from me beforehand. He knew he wanted me I guess. So what ended up happening was that he waited for my shift to end, which wasn't long at about twenty minutes, and took me back to his place. He was firm on it being his place. I tried to get him to come back to mine, but he was adamant, and I was too focused on the bills in his hand to care where we were going. I played with him for a little while as we drove into the rougher parts of Grove Heights. That's when I started to get an uneasy feeling. I knew it wasn't good, but I had nowhere to go and no one to call to get me out of the situation.

I just went along with what he wanted, thinking that I was partly overreacting and all he wanted was sex, which I would have been fine with doing. Sex is sex, and that didn't matter much to me. All I wanted was his money. That's what I felt like I was supposed to think, and I had to block every other part of me out. I focused on the money, on keeping him hard, and doing what he wanted. But he was part of the dominant world I would call it. He called himself a "dom" but really he was a dictator. He didn't even use similar tools to the ones used on the woman tonight, but it was enough to be harmful to me. He didn't have sex with me either, but it was just not something I wanted to happen.

I think that's why I freaked out. Not because I thought it was nonconsensual, that the woman wasn't enjoying having sex like that, it was because the last time someone had tried it with me, it wasn't what I had wanted at the moment. I have an open mind to the community that dives into having sex like that or watching sex like that. I just think back to my personal bad experience and am worried about putting myself in that position again. And honestly, with Slasher, I kind of fucking did. I trusted him to take care of me or really not hurt me when I know I probably shouldn't have. Slasher is different, but I truly didn't know that when I let him take me home. I just felt a distinct energy coming from him that I hadn't felt toward any other man who has walked into the Open Tease doors in the two years that I've danced there.

He just initially was and still is something else.

Truthfully, in my mind, I want to explore this way of having sexual relations to put it as broadly as possible. I don't think I ever want to come back into this club to watch the sex occurring in front of my face, but I think the atmosphere of it. 

Maybe we could try other things in here, so I'm not completely against it even though my initial introductions haven't been the greatest. I think before I try anything more, Slasher and I need to try it in private. 

I think that's the best way to move forward because I know that not all dominant and submissive sex is like that. That's just what that woman likes but that certainly doesn't have to be me.

Slasher: Devil's Rose #10Where stories live. Discover now