Chapter 12: Iris Callahan

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After we finished our shower and ate breakfast which I did not ask for, we decided it was a good time for me to head home and relax before I had to head to work around two this afternoon. 

He asks if I want a ride to work and that he would pick me up from my apartment twenty minutes before I have to get there, but that's not something I want him to do. 

I still need some independence in my life and space from him honestly. I feel like I have a lot of feelings to work through. The worst part is that I shouldn't have any feelings to work through. I should just be able to let this night go. I shouldn't have said yes to going out to dinner with him tonight. 

I know he would understand if I cancelled but that only makes me want to go out with him more.

I just need to step back and think about the reasons that I'm all of a sudden obsessing with this guy. It is because he's different than other guys so far? Is it because I'm getting my period? Is it because I'm in the mood to make a stupid judgment call? Is it because I want some excitement in my life? Those are all reasonable explanations besides me truly liking him. 

It wouldn't be beyond the decisions that I've made before. It's not unlike me in any way. I'm hoping that this is a moment in time that passes. By tonight, with the few hours apart, it will be like last night never happened, I'll cancel dinner, and not remember that he even exists. 

That would be the best thing to happen. I can just forget about it. I can move on and not dwell on a man I don't know.

With a soft kiss to my lips, and my brain fuzzy again, he leaves me in front of my apartment building, watching to make sure I get inside safely before driving off. I step into my apartment, the sense of familiarity rushing over me, and I can already hear my downstairs neighbors throwing their own little party. 

I'm sure it's just the two of them, two guys, hanging out, playing video games, and dancing around to Dua Lipa which happens more often than not. I live in a cute space, but it's just enough for one person. 

I've got a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, and small living room and that's practically all I need. I didn't think this would be such a long arrangement, this apartment I mean, but it's treated me well, and my landlord is actually sweet and understanding. Probably since I haven't ever been late to pay rent.

I place last night's clothes into my dirty clothes laundry basket and launch myself into my bed, letting my own sheets fall over me. I tuck my nose underneath Slasher's shirt, breathing his lingering scent in. I let the scent soothe me to sleep even though I shouldn't. 

I let myself have this one thing to give me a few extra hours of shut-eye knowing that I'll beat myself up when I wake.

I woke up about forty-five minutes later to shouting from the restaurant owners down the street. There are a couple of teenagers who like to hang around the front of their shop mostly to get a reaction out of the owners, and it causes havoc for the rest of the street because we all have to hear it. I don't mind too much though. 

It only lasts about ten minutes before the teenagers take off. I get out of my bed and hear the familiar rustle of the downstairs neighbor's cat sitting on the outside stairs trying to get into my apartment. 

I open the window and let Tangerine the orange cat into my place while I get a snack and get ready for my evening. In my bag, I pack a change of clothes to wear for my performances tonight so I can wear something nicer for my dinner with Slasher.

He has made an impression on me, and I want to do the same for him. For right now, like we said before, I'm just going to go with it. I don't think I have the energy to fight what's happening when I know I should. I don't have the patience either. 

If it fizzles, it does. If it doesn't, then we will figure it out from there. 

I text my friend and another dancer Caterina, who goes by Nyx which is her middle name, that I'm headed to the club if she wants to hop in my car. I didn't use it last night because I got a ride from Caterina (we switch off back and forth) so today is my turn to have her hitch a ride. 

She instantly texts back yes with the heart hand emoji and I make sure that I have everything before going to pick her up about five minutes away from me.

"Girl," she addresses me the instant she gets in the car, "where do you go last night?"

"With a guy from the club last night actually."

"You felt safe enough to go with him?" she questions, eyeing me weirdly.

"He's a Devil's Rose MC official member. I couldn't have been more safe. It was so odd."

"What?! Why is he in a strip club?"

"Why is any man in a strip club?" I sass with a roll of my eyes.

"I guess so. Why was it odd? Did he wanna do weird sex stuff?" she teases but I also know that she's extremely curious.

"No. I mean, we did sex stuff, but he was super nice. And made me feel super comfortable."

"Huh, that is odd. That's not normal for our line of business."

"I know," I agree with her, "I'm confused by him."

"What's his road name?" she questions as I swerve into the parking lot of the club.

"Slasher, Cat, his road name is Slasher."

"Not surprised. What's his real one?"

"Not sure."

"Does he know yours?"


"Are you seeing him again?"


"Ahhh!" she screams, wrapping an arm around my shoulders while we walk into the back of the club.

"I don't know what to think about it though. I just feel things for him that I haven't felt for a guy in a while," I confess to her.

"There's nothing wrong with going with the flow, chickadee. As long as you feel safe and comfortable with him, I say why not? Max can always get some of his henchmen to go after him," she shrugs, pulling on her sexy lingerie.

"And cause like a war between the two of them. No way," I reply and turn my bra around so it's facing the right direction.

"Go tonight and have fun. Don't freak out because you might feel something when that could go away just as fast, knowing you."

"Yeah, you're right, Nyx. I'll see what happens tonight."

"Good!" she cheers, making sure her false eyelashes look good, "Don't hold yourself back!"

I stare at myself in the mirror for a little longer, making sure that I look perfect for the men waiting for me. I hear the chattering of men through the walls of the backstage area and the sweet flirtatious giggles of the other dancers. 

They've already locked on the men that are here on a Saturday afternoon. Caterina is the only other dancer I don't have to compete with because the men who like her usually don't like me. I'm not sure why that happens, but it does. 

So naturally, to get the money that I need, I have to compete with the other dancers for a little while before I have my hooks in enough men.

"Alright ladies," a security guard says as he steps into the backroom, "hurry it up."

The guards are actually pretty nice guys, but they also have a job to do which I definitely understand. While the dancers have to make Maximilliano happy in one way, they have to make him happy in another. He's a great boss, but he's still my boss and this is all I have right now. I can't afford to make him mad.

"Thank you, darling," Caterina greets him cutely, getting what she wants from him - a playtoy.

I roll my eyes at her, but I let her do her thing. I finish up any final touches that I have on my outfit, the underwire of my bra digging into my breasts. But with the look of the security guard, I know I don't have time to fix it. I blow Caterina a kiss, telling her that I'll see her out on the floor, and step from the back room to the whistles of desperate men. 

Slasher: Devil's Rose #10Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora