Chapter :16 Sixteen

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~Chocolate cake~


Everything lately has just felt like a dream. Moving to Seaside Bay, my mother being here, and Hayden, who would have thought we would be together.

"Do you want to hear a story?" I asked Hayden as he sat down across me with two ice creams in his hand.

We have been coming to the ice cream shop a lot lately and just sitting and enjoying each other's company.

"Sure. Here you go, cookies and cream ice cream with extra oreos." He smiled giving me my ice cream.

"Okay, this happened two days ago. Sunny and I were on our morning walks then out of nowhere Miss Morre's cat began  fighting with Sunny, I think they were fighting. And I don't think they like each other." I said as I ate my ice cream.

"Sunny seems to make many friends but enemies as well." I continued.

I put down my ice cream then got up from my seat and stood in front of Hayden.

I began pinching his cheeks, "They are so cute."

"If it's not my hands it my cheeks." He said and I giggled.

"They are so soft and cute."



"Do you like melted ice cream?"

"No." I looked at my ice cream then smiled. "but I can just drink as a milk shake." I added.

He held my hands and moved them of his cheeks then pulled me closer to him and sat me down on his lap.

"Can I hold your hand?" I asked and he held it out for me to hold.

I intertwined out fingers then smiled. "I have always wanted to do this. I used to watch a lot of romance movies." I began and he chuckled. "Let's go on a walk." I continued.

"Right now?" He asked and I nod.

I got up from his lap then pulled him up to his feet. I picked up my now melted ice cream and we began walking hand in hand.

"Let's walk to the park near the beach." I said as we walked.

I drank my ice cream as we walked. The day was really peaceful today and the weather was not too hot and everyone was doing their own thing.

"Whats your favorite color?"I asked him as I looked at him.

" It's brown,the color of your eyes. "He said then stopped and kissed me on my forehead before we continued walking.

" As you know mines sage green and sage green and hazel are not that different. "I smiled.

" Don't you ever get the thought to do something probably very stupid, then you can't because you realized it very stupid? "I asked him.

" Uh, no. "He answered.

" Do you want to know what I want to do? "I asked.

" And what's that? "

" A cartwheel, mind you I have not done one since I was like ten. "I said and then let go of his hand then walked to the side of the road and did it then walked back to him and held his hand.

" Huh. "He smiled.

" I like cake, do you like cake-Wait, I just realized that you did not get cake for your birthday. "I said.

" My birthday was last week. "He said and I shook my head.

" We are going to get you cake. "I said turning around causing him to also turn around and we began walking back to town square.

" What your favorite cake? "I asked him more like interrogated him.

I did not wait for him to answer." You are probably going to say you don't know,aren't you? "I asked and he nod.

" Chocolate is quite popular, so chocolate. "I said." Call our friends and tell them to meet us at my house and ask them to come with your siblings. "I added and he took out his phone.

We reached the supermarket and walked in.

We walked to the bakery section and bought chocolate cake before walking out of the supermarket.

We reached my house and opened the door then walked in.

I could hear talking from the kitchen and Hayden and I walked into the kitchen and we're met with everyone.

"Hi, dear, and Hayden." My mother greeted us. Our friends waved to us.

I put down the cake on the island and asked Hayden to sit down on one of the  bar stools.

My grandma walked into the kitchen with Noah and Nina. All three of them had paint everywhere, on their clothes, hands and faces.

"Hello you two." grandma greeted us and we greeted her back.

"Everyone,we are going to sing Hayden happy birthday." I announced and they were all confused.

"Didn't Hayden's birthday pass last week?" Rylan asked and I nod.

"He did not get a cake." I replied.

I began singing him happy birthday then was joined by everyone else. I don't think  he was enjoying it but he still had a smile on his face.

Once we finished I opened the cake and asked him to cut it. "Can I have cake now?" Noah asked and I laughed then cut the cake into many pieces for everyone before handing a plate to each of them.

They all walked out of the kitchen and walked to the living room.

I stood in front of Hayden then smiled, he also smiled and picked up a piece of cake then fed me.

"I like how you do what you set your mind to." He said then held my cheek and kissed me.

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