Chapter:05 Five

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I walked out of the house to the backyard as I wait for my grandma so we can go to town square.

I found Sunny running around and when he saw me he ran up to me and began running around me.

I looked around and realized I had not yet walked out here since I came here. Just like the front yard there were many colorful flowers everywhere. There was also a wooden double swing which was painted, with flowers. obviously.

It was beautiful.

I picked up Sunny then walked back into the house and was met with my grandma drinking water.

"We can go now." She smiled putting down the glass.

I looked for a leash in one of the kitchen cupboards where all Sunny's things were kept then put the leash on Sunny.

Grandma, Sunny and I walked out of the kitchen then out of the front door then Grandma locked the house behind her.

"Am I the only one who thinks cars have faces?" I questioned as i got into the car carrying Sunny in my arms.

Grandma's car was just as colorful and flower full as everything else she owned.

"I realized that too. And most of the time they look like their owners." Grandma replied and I smiled.


She nod starting the car and driving out of the driveway.

Town square is not far from the neighborhood and is in walking distance but we were going to buy a lot of things that none of us wanted to carry back home.

We entered town square then grandma parked out side of Mo's Supermarket.

We walked out and I put Sunny down then made our way into the supermarket greeting many people.

My grandma grabbed a shopping cart then gave me the shopping list. I put sunny into the shopping cart after he began jumping up trying to get in.

"What's first on the list?" She asked and I checked.

"Pasta." I answered.

We walked up to the section which pasta  was found then picked one and put it in the shopping cart.

"What's the next  four things?" She asked.

"Salt, Bread, tomatoes and sugar." I answered.

"I will get the bread and tomatoes and how about you get the salt and sugar." She said and I nod.

We separated as I made my way to the sugar section.

I walked down the aisle looking for the specific sugar, grandma said I should get.

I was about to bump into someone because I was looking down when I stopped and looked up.

It was Hayden.

"Oh hey Lyla." He greeted me and instead of greeting him back I began talking about the most random thing I could have said to him.

"I like your birthmark, it's cute I like the shape and it looks perfect on your face, I mean it's very cute, you are very cute. Do you happen to know where sugar from the brand Melon is ?" He looked at me then lightly smiled.

"It's right behind you." He pointed behind me.

"I also forgot to mention how pretty your eyes are, and I am sorry I did not because they are so pretty an-" I held my hand over my mouth to stop talking. Then turned around and took the sugar.

"You are an interesting girl,Charlatana." He smiled.


"What does that mean?" I asked.

"Talkative in Spanish." He replied.

"First of all you speak Spanish? And second of all I am not talkative I just talk and talk and talk a lot I guess, sometimes but-."

"I know a bit of Spanish, I have been learning it for quite a while now."

He looked at me for a while then smiled, "See you around, Charlatana." He walked away as I watched him walk away.

I did not realize I was dropping the sugar in my hands until it hit the floor but thankfully it was not broken and I quickly picked it up.

I left the sugar section and made my way to get the salt before going back to my grandma.

My brain will always embarrass me.

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