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'For your own safety Raila I ask that you remain with us until The phantoms can be dealt with.' That's what Wu told me hours ago.

Nothing in my schedule changed. I only would be coming to the Monastery instead of home. Nya went to my house and got my clothes and anything else I needed.

I now sat in my own room. The picture of my parents in my hands. Soft tears trickling down my face.

'How can someone lose so much in such a short amount of time'

My grip on the picture tightened. The tears increased.

'Why were the Ninja letting this happen'
'Why was Lloyd letting this happen'

I didn't want to hate him but I needed someone to blame and he was the closest. I curled into a ball and let the sobs rack through my body. I held my hand over my mouth to try to keep them quiet, but it didn't work that well.

'Nock Nock'

"Dove? Can I come in?"

I turned my back to the door. My sobs stoped. I didn't answer, I couldn't, they would start again.

I heard the door creak open. And the bed dip where he sat next to me. He was silent for the longest time.

"Raila, I'm sorry I let this all happen to you." He sighed. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you." His voice was soft.

I stayed silent. He started to stand but I grabbed his hand to stop him.

"Don't go, please." I whimpered.

He nodded softly as I turned back around. I felt the bed dip more as he laid down next to me. He wrapped his arm around my middle and pulled me closer to him.

After a while I felt his hand move through my hair. I can only assume he thinks I am asleep as my breathing has evened out. "I will keep you safe now." He whispered into my hair. I subtly leaned into him and allowed myself to fall asleep.


I  was walking in a forest. The sun was setting. The sky a beautiful array of colors. A soft breeze blowing around. Everything felt peaceful.

"Where am I?"

"Welcome Child." Someone's voice rings.

I walk deeper into the forest. "Who's there?"

Then as I push through a bush I come to a small opening. In the middle a woman stood. She had long brown hair that stopped at her shoulder blades. She was wearing a beautiful long white dress. Her back was turned to me so I couldn't see her face.


"Hello Raila." Her voice was soft yet powerful.

"Who are you?" I asked taking a carful step forward.

"I am your ancestor. You may call me, Cyra."

"My ancestor, wait so do you know about my powers?" I ask stepping forward again.

"Well of course I do, they came from me." Her back was still turned to me but I could tell she was smiling.

"You?" I wondered. "What are they? Wu said I was in a prophecy because of them?!"

"I'm afraid I can not yet tell you." She sighs. "If I could my dear I would."

"Can't you tell me anything."

"I can, it was the reason for me bringing you here." A sight breezed blows through.

"Where is here?"

"Your mind, you are more powerful then you know." She chuckled. "Now that you and the descendent of The First Spinjitzu Master have been united, your powers will only grow."


"Yes, you were destined to meet."

"Wow." I hold my head with my hand. "This is a lot."

The wind blows harder. "You will wake soon. Before you go, you must stay together! Promise me!"


"Promise me!" Her voice is dampened by the wind.

I open my eyes to reveal I am back in my new room. I close them again and sigh, snuggling deeper into the warmth under me. I relax into the pillow.

The warmth moves up and down slowly. My eyes pop open. Green? Lloyd.....Lloyd! I move my gaze and laying next to me is said boy. His arm wrapped around me keeping me close to him. My head resting on his chest.

I go to move away but his grip tightens bring me closer. I sigh and relax again, finding it futile to fight against a snuggly Ninja.

I look back up at his face. He looks relaxed and peaceful. More than I have ever seen him. Which makes a lot more sense, now that I know his secret.

The rays of light from the window bounce off his hair, making it look golden. I lift my hand and move a strand of the gold from his face. I gasp when his hand shoots up to grab my wrist. His eyes flutter open and look down at me. A boyish smile playing on his lips.

"Good morning." He purrs.

My cheeks burst a flame. "M-morning."

He chucks and releases his grip on me allowing me to move if I wish. When I don't move he chuckles softly.

"Thank you, Lloyd." I breathe, avoiding eye contact.

"For what?"

I rest my head on his chest again. "For everything." I whisper.

I feel his breathing hitch and I smile. I allow my eyes to close once more. And I feel Lloyd relax again under me. I hear him sigh contentedly and wrap his arm around me again. I snuggle into him and welcome the peace of sleep to return.

"Lloyd!" Someone yells bursting through the door.

Lloyd and I yelp sitting up in the bed. A grey haired woman stands at the door. Her hands resting on her hips. A glare prominent in her hazel eyes. Whether it's direct at him or me I don't know.

"Mom?!" Lloyd shrieks.

I look over at him mortified. 'Why do I keep meeting your family like this!?!?'


An: I hope you have enjoyed this page! Little bit of a lore dumb for you!
Love y'all! 💜
K out!

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