Strange Occurrences

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TW: Attempted Mugging

School hasn't been awful. Lloyd, Nya, and I have become good friends over the past few weeks. I still haven't told them about my other life, other then I'm living with my 'Cousin' Lin after my family died. I didn't miss the look of guilt on there faces when I explained how they got caught up in the drone attack. Not sure why they would feel guilty, there is nothing they could of done. It was The Ninjas fault.

While sitting in my desk at home I allowed my mind to wonder. Music blasting from my headphones while I'm supposed to be doing Homework. Then my favorite song comes on (The Weekend Whip) and I'm soon dancing and singing around my room like a mad woman.

When the song eventually ends. I take a deep breath to calm my excited mind.


The book that was once on my desk falls to the floor on the other side of the room.

"What the?" I walk over and pick it up. Nothing seems suspicious about the book, so I bring it back over to my desk and finnish the work I had started.


I managed to convince Lin to let me go get Ice Cream with my two friends. The only rule was I had to be home by 7pm. I quickly grabbed my phone and purse and raced out the door. I punched in the address for the Ice Cream Shop and started walking there. I had to pass through a few alleys on the way.

The shop soon came into view with two chatting people waiting by the door. Lloyd was the first to spot me and waved excitedly. I giggled to myself and picked up the pace.

"Hey guys!"

"Raila what took you so long!" Nya pulled me in for a tight hug which I gladly returned.

"Sorry it took Lin a lot of convincing to let me come" I sighed

"Well you're here now let's head inside" Lloyd opened the door for us before following.

The shop smelt strongly of sugar. As I looked around I realized this was more the just an Ice Cream shop. It was a whole Sweet Shop! My jaw dropped as I glanced over at Lloyd who had a smug look on his face. Nya grabbed my hand and dragged me over to the Ice Cream.

I got vanilla with caramel, Nya got cookie dough, and Lloyd got lime. I wasn't surprised by this at all. Lloyd just radiated green. Maybe it was those Emerald eyes or the fact he was always wearing green.

We sat at one of the empty tables outside after Nya dragged a pouting Lloyd out of the candy section.

I sat there in silence and let Nya and Lloyd tell me story's about there family. Well friend group but they were close like family.

"So Dove, how's the ice cream?" Lloyd asked with a smirk.

"Amazing" I chirped.

He shook his head with a sigh, then pointed a a spot on his face.

"Huh? Oh!"

I quickly tried to wipe the Ice Cream off but kept missing. Lloyd sighed and took a napkin, scooting closer. He grabbed my chin gently with his thumb and pointer finger and wiped the Ice Cream from my face. Being this close I realized how short I was compared to Lloyd. He had a few feet on me. I blushed at the proximity but couldn't look away from those mesmerizing orbs.

"Should I go so you lovebirds can have alone time" Nya teased, pulling us out of our trance. Lloyd glared at her while my face turned a deep red.

We sat and talked for hours. I looked down at my phone and realized it was almost 7. "Oh shoot!" I shot up out of my chair.

"I promised Lin I'd be home before 7, sorry guys I should go" Nya smiled and pulled me in for another hug. Lloyd and I just smiled awkwardly at each other before I turned on my heel and started in the direction of home.

"I am so going to be late"

Walking through those alleys when it's darker isn't as fun. I almost feel the creepy stares coming from the shadows. In the last alley someone grabbed my hood and pulled me back, slamming my back to the wall. I crumbled to the ground staring up at this bulky man with face tattooes.

He had a creepy smile on his face as he spoke. "Heya there girly, what you doing out here alone?"

I gulped but didn't answer. I felt like a deer in headlights.

"I bet a pretty girl like ya has something of value for me, give it and maybe I'll let you go."

When I didn't respond he grabbed the front of my hoody and pulled me up to meet his face with teeth bared. My instincts finally kicked in and I punched his tattooed face. He stumbled back surprisingly far after dropping me to my butt with a yelp.

He glared down at me with a wicked grin. "You shouldn't of done that girly"

I screamed when he started stalking towards me with a pocket knife in hand. I closed my eyes as he neared and waited for the inevitable, but nothing happened. I heard the sound of something hitting the pavement and opened my eyes. In front of me stood a man dressed in a Green Gi. Tattoo face unconscious on the pavement in front of him. He turned to look at me and I realized just who this was. I was just saved by The Green Ninja!

I stayed motionless on the ground as he slowly walked up to me. He kneeled down inspecting my face, and I got a good look at the Green Orbs staring back. For a moment I thought they looked red but it could of been just my traumatized mind playing tricks on me.

"Are you ok R-uh..miss" His voice sounding like he was forcing it to be deeper.

I nodded not trusting my own voice.

"Good." He held out his gloved hand for me to take.

I had a moment of déjà vu but quickly pushed it aside and grabbed his hand. He lifted me up off the ground but I stumbled over my shaking legs and fell into him. He caught me with his muscular arms and stared down at my mortified form. I quickly pushed off him and stood on my own feet again a dark blush on my face.

He chuckled. "Do you want a ride home?"

I glanced at him confused. He sighed and before I knew it a large green dragon just appeared behind him. I gasped in shock and backed up.

"Don't worry Dove, he is harmless" He scratched the dragons chin, before leaping into the saddle.

He smiled down at me with his gloved hand outstretched. I glanced at him then the dragon. I then looked around the alley, I'd probably be safer going with him, so I sighed and grabbed his hand. He quickly lifted me up into the saddle behind him.

"Hold on" He glanced over his shoulder.

I latched my arms around his waist as the dragon leaped into the air. My grip tightened and I swear I could feel him shake with laughter. After a moment the dragon leveled out but my eyes remained latched shut.

"Probably should have asked this on the ground but where do you live?" He yelled over the wind.

I told him my address and the dragon quickly started down. I yelped and dug my face into his back. I could almost hear is heart racing but I told myself it was just from maintaining the green wisp like dragon below us.

We landed in a field around my house. He helped me down just as the dragon disappeared in a puff of green. He smiled down at me and started leading me home.

"Now I don't want to see you in alleyways anymore. I love saving a pretty girl as much as the next Ninja but it's better if you try not to get mugged again" I nodded and hid my face as a blush formed.

'What no! I'm supposed to be angry at you!' I yelled at myself internally.

We soon arrived at the porch. I started unlocking the door but when I turned back around to thank him. The Green Ninja was gone. 'Stupid Ninja and there ability to be sneaky!'

I walked in and was met with a very angry Lin. Uh oh.


AN: I hope you guys are enjoying this chapter!
Wc: 1450
Love you💜
K out!

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