The Tragedy

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For as long as I can remember my life has consisted of the same things. Wake up, eat, do school, eat lunch, finish school, eat dinner, watch tv and toktic till bed, sleep and repeat. Over and over for 12 years. The day this cycle ended was the day everything changed.


I jump at the sound of the home phone ringing. I quickly set my school book down and walk into the hall where the phone is. " Hello, Lodes residence" I answer

"Hello, is Miss Raila there" The man on the other side responded

"This is she" My voice with a hint of question

"Miss Raila this is Dr. John from the Ninjago City Hospital, I'm afraid I have some bad news about your parents. They were apart of a 5 car crash today, during the drone attack, I'm sorry to tell you but they didn't make it."

With that one phone call my whole life was turned upside down.

~Time skip~

It has been 2 whole weeks since that phone call. Without my Adopted parents I was forced to start Ugh... public school. Tomorrow I will be attending Ninjago City High. Yay (sarcasm). Under the current circumstances a undercover police officer, Lin, was to be my escort to and from school and home. He would also be acting as my guardian until my 18th birthday, which could not seem farther away.

As I was sitting on my bed leaning up against the wall, reading about the newest battle with The Ninja. The one that took my family away. Apparently Borg Tower was once again hacked into and the Drones started attacking the city. How this dude is still allowed to build stuff is beyond me. Whatever, The Ninja were out numbered and it took them a long time to track down every drone and destroy it. Over 4 hours. Apparently the Green Ninja and the Water Ninja were late to the action.

My blood started to boil. Maybe if they got there sooner, they could of saved my family. I'm normally not one to pass judgement to someone I don't know but I was starting to really not like The Ninja.

"If you really are Ninjago's protectors why couldn't you protect my family." A stream of tears fell down my cheeks as I hid my face in my knees.

I was tired of crying, Tired of feeling tired. I set my phone down on my nightstand. Curling up under the covers. I let my body crumble under its warmth. Tomorrow would be a challenge, I needed to be prepared for it. Soon my tired body fell into a relaxed state of sleep.

The next morning I tried to act like nothing had changed. Even if everything had. I went downstairs after I finished getting ready. Ate my breakfast that consisted of cinnamon oatmeal (Don't judge me) and coffee. I then headed outside to where Lin was waiting for me in his black sports car.

I slid into the front seat and buckled up before turning to the smiling man.

"Well Good morning Raila"

I sighed and put on a fake smile "Morning Mr Lin"

"Dear, I told you. You can just call me Lin, there is no need for the formalities" I nodded quickly as he pulled out of the driveway.

I looked out the window as we drove begging just to get this day over with already. "So you exited for your first day?"

I shook my head and continued staring outside.

"Look I get it, high school isn't easy but trust me, it will be the best year of your life"

"What ever you say."

And with that we were back with the uncomfortable yet welcomed silence. Silence allowed me to organize my thoughts and I had a lot to organize.

All too soon we pulled into the school. It was huge! Students walking around in groups. I already felt out of place looking at it.

"I'll be here to pick you up after school, you have my number right"

"Ya" I gulped

"Ok, bye Lin." I sighed stepping out of the car.

I quickly walked into the building and made my way straight to the office. I pulled my hood over my head and tried to look small. I could already feel the judgmental stares from the other students. Probably wondering who this new girl was coming in the during the middle of the school year.

When I entered the office I wasn't alone, two people turned there heads to took at me once the door opened. I shrank at there gaze and walked over to the office lady.

"I'm Raila, the new transfer student" I spoke, barely above a whisper.

"Ah yes! Nya!" The woman yelled causing me to avoid her gaze, she called over the black haired girl around my age, who had been sitting in the corner.

"This is Nya she will be your guide for the year. She is in your classes also to help you get acquainted!"

I nodded offering the girl a kind smile "I'm Raila"

She smiled softly "Hey Raila, don't worry you will love it here."

She grabbed my hand and quickly pulled me along. She continued to explain the layout of the school as we exited the office. I was so busy trying to remember all she was telling me that I didn't realize I walked straight into someone until it was to late.

I closed my eyes with a "oof " as my back hit the floor. Thankfully my backpack cushioned the fall. When I opened my eyes again I was greeted with the two most beautiful green eyes I've ever seen.


AN: Well we've officially started the story! I hope y'all like it! Any advice is welcome!
A big thanks to CreativeMind04  for helping me out with this story!
Love you all!
K out!💜

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