The Team

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The dark abyss of sleep fades and consciousness slowly starts returning. There are soft voices around me but I can't yet make out what they are saying. I feel warm and safe. I snuggle deeper into the warmth around me.

Then the warmth around me slightly moves. My groggy mind instantly becomes alert and realizes it's a pair of warm muscular arms holding me against someone's chest.

Then everything that had happened that night hits me like a punch to the stomach.

My eyes shoot open and I'm immediately blinded by the lights in the room. I grumble slightly, squinting my eyes, and blinking rapidly. When they adjust I'm looking up at Lloyd as he turns to look down at me. His green eyes looked faded and dull, unlike there normal bright and vibrant color.

"Hey Dove" He speaks in a hushed voice.

"Hey" I mumble back.

"I know you just woke but-" He hesitates a moment. His gaze jumping around before landing on me again. "If your up for it, I have some people I would like to introduce you to"

I nod slowly as he adjusts his grip and starts walking. He sets me down on a soft maroon colored couch in the center of what looks like, a living room. I look around a spot 5 more people in the room. One of whom I instantly recognize.


"Yeah, it's me Rai." She walks over with a sigh and sits down next to me.

"W-what are you doing here?" I ask the nerves in my voice slowly surfacing.

"Lloyd told us what happened. I had to make sure you were ok." She wraps her arm around my shoulders and pulls me into a side hug.

"What did happen?" The boy in black speaks up causing Nya to release me.

"The Phantoms" Lloyd answers bluntly. Crossing his arms over his chest as he stands next to the couch.

"Why would they want her?" The boy in blue asks.

"I don't know" Lloyd sighs, running a hand over his face.

"Uhm, I'm sorry but..." I interrupt. "Who are The Phantoms"

Lloyd glances over at me then the rest of the people in the room. The boy in white speaks before he gets a chance to answer. "They are a new well organized group that has been stealing a lot of high valued tech recently. Including from Borg Tower" He states matter a factly.

"They have been causing us nothing but trouble" The one in red grumbles from his spot leaning on the wall.

"Us?" I tilt my head.
'These weren't!'
'They couldn't be!'

Lloyd clears his throat causing everyone's attention to turn back to him. "Raila, meet the rest of my team."

"Jay, the Lightening Ninja" The dark ginger curly haired boy with electric blue eyes, eagerly waves.

"Zane, the Ice Ninja" The white haired boy with icy blue eyes, nods.

"Kai, the Fire Ninja" The spiky brown haired and amber eyed boy, winks with a two fingered salute.

"Cole, the Earth Ninja" The large, black haired, and dark brown eyed boy, smiles.

"And Nya, the Water Ninja" The black haired blue eyed girl next to me, smiles.

My mouth drops. I should have realized Lloyds friend group were the rest of his team. They're even color coded!

Then it hits me. These are the Legendary Hero's of Ninjago.
The ones who couldn't save my parents.

"I- I can't, T-this is..." I hold my head in my shaky hands. Trying and failing to keep my breathing steady.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look up to see Lloyds emerald irises softly looking down at me. "I know, it's a lot to take in"

"That's an understatement" I mumble.

"Your safe here. It's late, we can talk more in the morning" 

He nods to the group and they all make there leave giving me kind smiles on the way out, until it's just me and Lloyd. He sighs running a hand through his golden locks before looking back down at me.

"Im sure you want a place to finish that nap" He teases lightheartedly and holds out his hand for me to take.

My gaze jumps from his gorgeous face to his scarred and calloused hand. I never noticed all the tiny scars he had on his hands. I slowly take his larger hand in my own smaller one. He then leads me out of the room and into the hallway. After a few tense and silent moments he stops outside a door.

"You can stay in here tonight" He opens to door to a simple bedroom. A bed with green sheets sits in the corner with a nightstand and dresser on the opposite wall. A few pictures sit on the nightstand.

My breath hitches in my throat.
'This is his room.'
'This is Lloyds room.'
'This is Green Ninjas room.'

I look over at said boy and he nods giving permission. I slowly step over the threshold and into the room. He whispers a quick 'night' and shuts the door behind me. I look around the room again my head spinning.

'I just met The Ninja.'
'I'm friends with 2 them.'

I make my way over to the bed and slip under the green covers. Exhaustion hitting me like a truck. The sent of lemon grass fills my nose as I drift off to sleep rather quickly. My head full of unanswered questions.


AN: Hey guys! Sorry about the lack of updates. Writers Block is a menace right now! I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless! Any advice or suggestions is always welcome!
Wc: 903
Love y'all 🩶
K out!

Where Purple Meets Green  (Ninjago: Lloyd X Oc)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz