PR Stunt - Part 2

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Joanne started pitching and explaining the planning to both of them. But her words faded as Y/N realized things were about to change.

"Excuse me," Y/N left the folder on Joanne's desk and walked out immediately.

She tried her best to remain calm and not trip over her own feet as she rushed to her office.

What would this mean for their friendship? Should she stop going to games and sitting in his suite box when she's obviously not needed? Would the text messages and phone calls stop?

Should they stop going out to eat? Is she not supposed to invite him to her birthday celebrations? Will he stop inviting her for movie nights on the weekends? Should she stop going to the after parties with him after the home games?

All of these possible changes began overwhelming her. She hated the feeling of losing her best friend, not seeing or being with him as often anymore. They would strictly interact for work purposes. Worst of all, she'd have to plan, set up, and practically produce a fake relationship for the entire world to believe.

Her heart slowly started to break.

A couple of steps away from her office, Travis gently grabbed her elbow and escorted her to her office. Y/N jumped, she hadn't realized Travis went after her. Also without the dating folder in his hand.

He closed the door behind them, making Y/N stand behind the door. He rested his hands on the door next to her arms, caging her in - trapping her from leaving if she tried to escape.

She looked down at their feet, refusing to let him see the hurt and tears in her eyes.

"Please, look at me," Travis whispered. His heart broke when he saw her beautiful eyes not shining as bright and filled with pain instead.

"I told her no." Y/N's breath hitched. "I made it clear I wasn't going to date anyone in that stupid folder of hers."

"You can't do that! If Joanne tells you she wants something done, you do it," Y/N said.

"I told her I'd walk away and go to Bunim/Murray Agency and I'd take you with me."

Y/N's jaw dropped. Travis not only threatened to walk away but also go to Joanne's rival. Bunim/Murray have been making offers and deals to persuade Travis to go into their agency. But he kept turning every single one of them. Y/N never knew why, but for Travis? He wasn't going to leave without his girl.

"Why would you do that Travis?!"

"Because it's you, Y/N." He locked the door behind her. He reached for her neck, his thumb gently tracing along her jaw. "From the moment I bumped into you going into Joanne's office, and your papers flew everywhere. You immediately kneeled down to pick up the mess and apologized to me, repeatedly saying how clumsy you are and it was your fault. I kneeled down to help you and you finally looked up at me and I was completely gone and mesmerized by your beautiful eyes. You had this spark and light that captivated me. Your glasses were crooked. I reached out to fix them and you let me, rambling how you've been meaning to get them fixed, I've been in love with you ever since."

"Really?" Y/N whispered as she noticed Travis was slowing leaning towards her for a kiss.

"I would never lie to you," he promised before kissing her.

The kiss ignited a spark down Y/N's spine and released the butterflies from her stomach she never knew she had. She sunk into the kiss as she wrapped her arms around his neck. His arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her flushed against him, before pushing her up against her office door.

Their lips slowly pulled apart, but enough to ghost over each other's. Their warm breath fanning against their lips. Their chests heaving against one another, trying to ignore and fight against the tingles, want and need running through the bodies.

Travis's voice was deep and husky. "I'd want nothing more than to fuck you against the door and making you scream out my name, making damn sure Joanne hears you're mine and only mine."

A small whimper came from Y/N at his words.

"But I'd like to take you out on a date first. What do you say?" He asked nervously.

Travis had always been a confident man and went after what he wanted. But right now, Travis felt like a nervous teenager again. Asking out the prettiest girl and hoping she said yes, and not embarrassed him by turning him down.

Travis' worries vanished as Y/N smiled at him. "It's about damn time you ask, Kelce."

Travis chuckled before he leaned in for another kiss. "Alright nah!"

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