Jealousy Part 2

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Author's Note: Not how I originally planned to write this, but oh well. I'll definitely write a part 3 soon.

Also, not proofread. I'll be sure to go back and fix it later. I just wanted to get something up for y'all ASAP!


Travis' phone rang while driving. He answered the call without checking who it could have been. "Y/N?" He asked, hopeful.

"Nah, dawg," Patrick's voice boomed through the speakers. "You still haven't heard from her?"

Travis shook his head. "It's been two days, Pat. It's driving me crazy. I didn't realize how much I love having her in my life." Travis sighed. "I definitely took her for granted."

"I know you prefer to stay in and recover on your days off, but, we'll get your mind off it with a light workout and get some massage therapy with our trainers. I'm already on my way to the field. I'll pick you up."

"No, can do brother. I'm on my way to Y/N's. I've had enough of her icing me out. I think I've given her plenty of space," Travis pulled up to Y/N's apartment. "I'll call you later."

"Good luck, bro," Patrick said before ending the call,

Travis sighed and mumbled to himself. "I'm going to need it."

Travis grabbed the flowers from the passenger seat and got out of his car. He felt nervous walking up to Y/N's apartment. He's been here a thousand times and he's never once felt this nervous before. Maybe because things were different now. She was mad at him for hurting her feelings. Now, Travis knew she was in love with him. Everything has changed between them.

He knocked on the door and waited. His heart began to race when he heard footsteps getting loud as she got closer to the door. The door swung open and Travis' smile faltered at the sight in front of him. It was Y/N's friend, Libby. Y/N didn't have a roommate and Libby only stayed at Y/N's apartment to house sit while Y/N was out of town.

"She's not here," Libby said as she crossed her arms. Given the glare she was giving him, Travis knew Libby knew what happened between the two of them.

"Where is she?" Travis asked.

"She told me not to tell you."

"Please, Libby," he begged. "I'm going nuts without her. I miss her. I really want to talk to her."

Libby could tell Travis was hurting, maybe hurting just as much as Y/N was. Guys don't normally show up to apologize with flowers unless they really mean it. She sighed and let her arms drop. "Travis, she's one of my best friends and I hate seeing her like this-"

"Like what?" He asked, curious.

"Heartbroken and crying."

"I never met to hurt her," Travis' eyes welled up with warm tears. "I love her."

"There's a difference between loving someone and being in love with someone, Travis. You need to make sure exactly how you feel about her before you make things worse and lose her forever."

"I know, Libby. I need to get my girl back. Please tell me where she went," Travis begged.

"She went home. Back to Ohio."

Travis' mouth dropped. He didn't realize how serious it was. For Y/N, going back home was something she only did when things were the absolute worst for her. Home was her safe place.

"I gotta go," Travis walked back to his car and pulled out his phone to arrange a private jet to be ready within the hour.


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