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Crowley had been informed that night that while Aziraphale was in stable condition, he was also in a coma and they weren't sure when he'd wake up, but they predicted upwards to about two months.

It had now been four. He still hadn't woken up and Crowley still hadn't gotten their hands on Michael yet. Meanwhile, that night replayed every single night in Crowley's nightmares. They couldn't escape the memory, no matter how hard they tried.

They rarely left their apartment, looking over Aziraphale's books and journals. Muriel had been running the bookshop for Crowley as they'd explained they couldn't stomach going back there and she understood. Kinda.

They spent most of their time in Aziraphale's jackets, the only thing that could bring them any semblance of comfort. With every passing day, their worry grew more and more, becoming all-consuming as the days passed where Aziraphale was still in a coma.

They didn't open the door for anyone, simply going between their apartment and the hospital to visit their angel. Their poor, wronged angel.

He never deserved what Michael gave. Never. It would be impossible to find a valid reason to say Aziraphale deserved what he got in Crowley's head. Nothing warranted what was done to him.

Their eyes softened as they gently took his hand, squeezing it softly as their eyes swept over his sleeping body, watching his chest gently rise and fall. It was the only other thing that comforted them, to see him breathing, to see him alive.

Tears brimmed their eyes as it always did when they visited their angel. They wanted so bad that he'd wake up, that they'd wake up and their angel would be right beside them with his wings intact and he'd be okay.

But they couldn't be so lucky. They'd never wake up from this nightmare. Because this? Their angel stuck between life and death, a part of them cut off, never to be able to be healed and returned to its original beauty - even if he'd always be beautiful in Crowley's eyes - was reality.

This was their reality and they couldn't escape it. Even if heaven and hell was no longer on their back, Michael was, and she would be until Crowley got their revenge.

Then who would be after Michael? And after them? And after them? Crowley realized in disappointment that they'd never escape it. No matter how hard they tried, they'd forever have someone opposing them, their happiness.

But, no matter how bad it was, they'd have each other. If Aziraphale ever woke up that is. The thought pained Crowley's heart. They sighed and stood up, leaving their angels room and making their way back home to down a bottle of whiskey and try to forget.

But of course, they never would. They'd never be able to forget. Not what Michael did, not Aziraphale's lifeless body and not the fact that his life hung in the balance.

It would forever haunt them, forever hang over their head like an ax, waiting till they took on too much and dropped on them.

Maybe... Joining Aziraphale wouldn't be so bad......

A Blip in Our Lives ~ Crowley x AziraphaleWhere stories live. Discover now