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(This was a request by ValerieWinks777. Part 2)


I decided to move somewhere new. I wanted to make new memories and new relationships. As a women in her early forties I really needed to settle down. I was independent and loved enjoying life to it's fullest. I've never been in a relationship since my brother disappeared. I guess I missed him to much to date anyone. I have a feeling that I am going to like living in Santa Carla.


I was with the boys looking for our next meal when I spotted a women that I haven't seen before. For some reason she looked a little familiar, I just couldn't figure out why.

"David what are you staring at?"

"Nothing Paul."

"Are you thinking about your sister."

"So what if I am Paul. Do you got a problem with that!!?"

Dwayne got in the middle of us. He tried his best to stop me from ripping Paul apart in public. I got on my motorcycle and speed off. Leaving my brothers behind.


I was seething at this point. Who did Paul think he was. He had no right to bring up Valerie. I was so in my head that I didn't realize that I bumped into someone. I turned around and saw the women from earlier.

"I'm so sorry Sir, I wasn't looking where I was going."

I shook my head.

"No, it was my fault. I was thinking about someone."

She smiled compassionately at me. I then noticed the bracelet that she was wearing. If my heart was still alive it would have stopped.

"That's a pretty bracelet you have."

"Thank you. My brother gave it to me before he disappeared. Anyway I have to get back home."

"What what's your name?"


I watched her walk away and felt my dead heart start beating.

"She's alive. And she's here in Santa Carla. What a story I'm going to tell the guys."

(I am going to be writing one last part for this request)

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