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I sighed as I threw my cigarette on the ground. I sighed as I watched a brother play with his little sister. I was suddenly hit with a strong sense of sadddnes and envy.


16 year old David was watching his 10 year old sister Valerie playing outside. Her pink dress flowing in the wind. He shook his head when Valerie tripped over a loose tree stump. She quickly recovered and continued playing.

"What will I do if I ever lost her."

Valerie came running up to David and he spun her around in circles before going back into the house.


I forced myself to look away from the brother and sister duo. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I took Valerie with me that day. She sure wouldn't be alone and she certainly wouldn't be allowed to hang out with any boy unless I approved of him. I got onto my motorcycle and brought the engine to life. I rode off into the night to go find the guys.


At the entrance of Santa Carla a women drove into the area to explore her new home.

(There will be a part two in about a week)

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