Riff and DJ Suki

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Riff had stopped in the hall once to ask a doctor to get food and water to the pop trolls, the doctor seemed upset that they hadn't gotten anything yet and hurried off.

Riff shrugged and kept going, finally making it to the next door.

He saw that it was already open so he pushed it a bit more.

He didn't expect to see a disk fly by him and get lodged in the wall right next to his head.

DJ immediately looked apologetic, "S-Sorry...I thought..I was just.."

Riff simply smiled, "It's cool, nothings wrong and no one got hurt."

DJ nodded slightly and smiled a bit.

Riff walked closer, "Tell me when to stop walking, I should've done this with the other two but neither of them spoke or could speak.."

Once Riff was four feet away DJ asked him to stop, he quickly did.

"So I have a question about the little dude.."

DJ nodded, "What about him?"

Riff bit his lip, "At any point in his life, that you know of, did he act younger, like younger then his actual age?"

DJ looked sad as she nodded, "That I personally know of? Once. I'm pretty sure that one time he was four, but I think I might of hit my head during our escape..."

Riff shook his head, "No no, that's okay! I'm starting to see a slight consistency..."

DJ nodded, "Oh, and be careful with him..he's..he's fragile, normally he won't let it show but when he does let it show? That's how you know it's bad."

Riff nodded, "Thank you." He said.

He was about to leave when he remembered something, "Oh! There's gonna be someone bringing food and water soon, please make sure you look before attacking!"

Then he left the room.

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