Chapter Sixteen

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Maybe she shouldn't have had that last glass of champagne last night after dinner but she definitely wasn't drunk. It's just her head feels like it was run over by a semi-truck. Her temples won't stop throbbing, maybe she can convince Emma to get up and get her some aspirin.

She groans, attempting to roll over, needing to feel the comfort of her wife but she must be half asleep because her body doesn't move. She slowly opens her eyes, taking in how the room is still dark.

"Emma," she mumbles, feeling more groggy than she did moments ago.

Her head rolls to the left of her pillow, provoking her heart to hammer against her sternum because she is not in bed at home with Emma. She spots a machine, numbers everywhere, heart rate, blood pressure, a constant beeping. She whirls her head to the right to find Emma standing from a chair and rushing over to her.

What happened?

Why the hell is she in the hospital?


"Regina, oh thank god," and why does she sound so different? Her usual soft voice is now replaced with an edge, a tone that clearly expresses there's a wall up. "I should call Henry. You were in a car accident and he's been worried sick."

Car accident? No, no, no, this can't be happening. Is this four years ago? Is she back? Dammit, did she lose everything?

"Emma," she releases a shaky breath, full of tears just waiting to be released, convincing her wife to put away her phone. "How old is Henry?"

Emma squints down at her, leaning a little closer to gauge her reaction. "He's ten."

Her chin wobbles, her nose tingling from the tears she cannot possibly fight and she doesn't because this is Emma, her person. She can cry in front of her.

"Uhhh...should I call a nurse or something? I-I'm not really good with people crying and stuff. Maybe they can help."

"No, no," Regina implores, grabbing onto that red leather jacket and tugging this woman until she has no other option but lean over Regina. Emma braces herself with her fists rooted into the hospital bed and Regina aches for her wife to touch her again. "It's you," she chokes out, "it's always been you," she desperately reveals, ignoring the way Emma's eyes blow comically wide. She has to try True Love's kiss so she brushes her lips against that parted mouth ready to ramble a thousand questions. "I'm so sorry," she murmurs into the kiss, well, not really kiss, Emma is frozen in place not kissing her back but then again she's not pulling away either. "I am so so sorry for everything. Your mom, the curse, Henry, the death curse, god, every time I shut you down without listening, every fight. Emma, I am so so sorry." She kisses her again. "I've always felt something more for you and I was too stubborn to admit it." She rests her forehead against Emma's and takes a deep breath to calm her frantic body back down. "Will you please let me make this up to you? Let me take you on a date and prove to you that I don't want to fight anymore because it's always been you."

" Umm, maybe we should have your head checked before I agree to anything and then you throw a fireball at my face because you weren't in the right mindset," Emma nervously says, slowly attempting to pull away.

"Okay," Regina shyly murmurs, realizing how crazy she must sound in this moment and she doesn't want to be committed.

She releases her wife...wait, not her wife. She releases Emma, allows her to hit the button to call the nurse all while every part of her is sinking in fear of what's to come. What if she never wins Emma's heart and affection like she did before? What if Emma never gives her a chance?

"I'm just going to step in the hall and call Henry to let him know you're up."

Regina mindlessly nods, tears in her eyes, watching Emma ready to exit the door, exit her life.

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