Chapter Three

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Regina used magic to ready herself, ignoring Emma's wishes and her own rules against magic. She just needed to escape that mansion before she suffocated or her heart imploded for feeling too much in one day. She ignored the babies calling to her as she stormed out of the house and slammed the door. She really ignored Emma's depressing face as she spoke to someone on the phone, most likely Whale to have her committed.

And maybe she will be after the way she stormed into City Hall and marched right into her office. Well, what used to be her office.

"Regina," Mary Margaret gasps.

"You have got to be kidding me," she deadpans, slamming the door behind herself.

Her eyes swing around the office, drinking in every detail and truthfully, not much has changed except for the hideous painting of a bird. Classic Snow White.

Mary Margaret rounds her desk, her hand reaching like she's actually concerned for her well-being. "Emma called me. Come sit, let's talk about this," she gently coos, gesturing to the leather sofa but Regina has too much pent-up rage and confusion to sit.

She starts neurotically pacing her office. "You want to talk about it? Okay," she humorlessly laughs, slamming her purse down on the desk, "let's talk. Where would you like to start?" She gleefully inquires with a dangerous smile playing at her lips. "How about with the fact that I'm apparently screwing your daughter!"

Mary Margaret frowns. Frowns. Doesn't flinch, doesn't scowl, doesn't burn through fifty shades of red. This woman just frowns.

"Regina," Mary Margaret calmly says, "don't belittle your love with Emma. True Love-"

"Excuse me?" She seethes, running her antsy fingers through her hair as her core temperature rises once again.

"True Love like yours and mine with David, is so rare. I know you're upset and confused, though I'm not entirely sure why but don't disrespect what you have with Emma. Nobody has ever created babies out of magic like you two and that should be enough right there to calm whatever is bothering you."

Regina is sure her chest is about to burst from the information bomb that was just so carelessly dropped on her. She anxiously scratches at her scalp, tossing her hair to one side and she bends down and glares murderously at her enemy.

"What did you just say about those babies?"

Mary Margaret curiously blinks up at her, cocking her head to the side in bewilderment. She frowns again like her obnoxious daughter and then much to Regina's horror, this woman takes her hand.

"Out of True Love and the magic between you and Emma, you created those three beautiful babies. Emma loves you, Regina, True Love."

Regina jerks her hand away as if her own fireball just burned the flesh straight from her bone. "What the hell is the matter with all of you?"

"Regina, please, can I take you to the doctor. You have to understand that if everyone around you is telling you that this is your life, then this is your life."

She mindlessly shakes her head. "No, I just...I..." she trails off, the walls closing in on her, stealing the last drop of oxygen from the room.

"Regina, please," Mary Margaret pleads but Regina is already bolting right out that door, leaving behind her purse.

There is only one person who can make this make sense to her.


She anxiously waits, in her freezing cold car because she is still sweating from what her enemy just told her about Emma and those children. She still cannot wrap her head around children being created out of magic and True Love and she feels a little dizzy and nauseous from it all.

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