Chapter Fifteen

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This is absolutely absurd and she can't comprehend how she was ever talked into doing something this childish.

"Momma, duck!" Hope hisses under her breath, her eyes sparkling with excitement, lighting up her whole face brighter than that ball that will drop in New York soon.

Right, that's why she agreed because her children were all glistening eyes and bouncing up and down and she couldn't say no. So, now here she is, running around her house with a target strapped to her front and back. The house has been divided into two teams. Regina, Hope, and Henry against Emma, Autumn, and Grace. Yes, Emma convinced her to allow Grace over for New Year's swearing up and down that Jefferson will pick her up at 12:05.

Luca has been asleep for three hours now, despite the giggling and running around on the lower level of their house.

Regina hears the tiny creek in the kitchen and knows her wife is sneaking around. She remains hidden behind a wall, her heart racing from being caught, but she still peeks around to find Emma walking backwards around the island with her laser gun pointed in front of her face like the damn Sheriff she is. Regina smirks, fully confident that she won't be seen, ready to blast her wife in the back and earn them another point for laser tag but unfortunately, her daughter has other plans.

Hope leaps out from their hiding spot, with the gun pointed at her mother and the other hand covering the shield on her chest.

"Gotchu, mommy!" She squeals in delight but completely misses her mother's target.

"Hey, you little stinker, you can't cover up your target!" Emma laughs, not at all mad about the blatant cheating. Regina peeks her gun out from around the corner, pulling her trigger and easily sounding the alarm that Emma has been hit. "What the-"

"Momma, got you!" Hope snickers, forcing Regina to slink back behind the wall.

"I get you!" Autumn cheers, nailing her sister right in the back.

"Not fair!" Hope whines.

"Is too!"

"Alright, girls," Emma tries to break up the situation but by the loud clatter, Regina knows one of the girls has tossed her gun down on the floor. "Hey, Autumn, that's not nice, we don't throw our toys."

Regina decides to come out from hiding because Emma will need back up, but before she ends the round, she might as well shoot Emma one more time in the back and gain an extra point.


"Alright, girls," Regina confidently breezes into the kitchen. "I think we are a little overtired and it's time for us to relax now."

Autumn is blinking up at her with thick tears in her eyes but she looks equally exhausted. She doesn't think twice about her actions, she sashays across the floor, scoops up Autumn and holds her close to her chest. She presses a kiss to the crown of her head, rocking her from left to right.

"Do you think that was nice that you threw the toy?" She gently asks, motivating Autumn to rub her face furiously against Regina's chest. "What do you think you should say?"


"I think that would be a great idea."

Autumn lifts her sleepy head, a full pout on her lips and tears in her eyes as she looks down at Hope. "I sowee."

"Okay!" Hope happily accepts, turning to face Emma. "We have ice cream now?"

Emma chuckles, setting her gun down on the counter before she swiftly sweeps Hope up. "I don't think so, sweetie. It is way past sugar time. I think it's best if we go in the living room and relax. We can watch the ball drop before bed."

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