Acnologia's past.

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400 hundred years ago their was a civil war between Dragons and humans. Their was a hidden land far from the war zone called as Montes Secreta, where humans reside with dragons peacefully. There was a human doctor who was very fond of dragons. He dedicated his life for being a doctor who can treat humans as well as dragons. But due to the war uproaring ,  the village people were getting scared of the dragons. But this didn't affect the doctor he always helped the dragons when they were injured, the villagers tried to talk to him about not giving treatment to the dragons because the war, but he didn't listen.

One day suddenly all the dragons disappeared , which left the villagers as well as the doctor  confused. They tried to investigate but didn't find anything. But after 3 months the dragons reappeared and started attacking the land's people, they killed many people and destroyed their homes. The doctor was shocked  to see how the dragons were behaving, he tried so hard to communicate with them but it was of no use. The villagers started blaming the doctor for taking the dragons side. Out of rage they decided to sacrifice the doctor's family to the dragons. The poor doctor begged and cried  looking at his  family's dead bodies .

Rage started to pile up inside the doctors mind for which he decided to kill all the dragons as well as the humans who scarified his family. He killed the dragon who he once called as is dear friend. Slowly he started killing many dragons and gaining their power , soon he himself became a dragon. This became the talk of the town. People as well as dragons started to get scared when someone just try to mention his name "Acnologia".

He was lost because of is rage and anger, but deep down he was just suffering till the end. He didn't know where he was going and then he came across a deep forest where he saw a few dragons reside. Its a place where Igneel the fire  dragon king , Grandeeney the sky dragon, Metalicana the iron dragon, Weisslogia the light dragon, and Skiadrum the shadow dragon.  He thought these dragons will also ask him to partner with them to take over the world. But little did he know that while he was lost in thoughts the 2 dragons Igneel and Metalicana both sensed his presence and attacked him, knocking him out  and tied him up. Every thing was going so fast that Acnologia  didn't have time to react by the time, but the time he woke up he found himself tied near a large pot.

 Every thing was going so fast that Acnologia  didn't have time to react by the time, but the time he woke up he found himself tied near a large pot

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At first he was surprised then he got a bit scared because the 2 dragons were drooling while looking at him. They mistook Acnologia for a monster, and tried to cook him.  Grandeeney was to stunned to speak at first then as she noticed that the 2 dragons were trying to cook up a dragon.   "Are you crazy, u are trying to cook a fircking dragon? ya bastards " "have you lost all your manners, untie him right now" said Grandeeney while betting Igneel and Metalicana.  After untying Acnologia  they apologized to him. "We are extremely sorry that we mistook you for our food" they both apologized. "After the whole me becoming their food episode, we talked about ourselves" Acnologia thought to himself and told them his story. Igneel was very kind and noble dragon. Igneel offered a hand of friendship to Acnologia asked him if he wanted to live with them in the forest. He was hesitant at first but then decided to live there. After a few years he started to change, he wasn't the fierce dragon anymore he started to open up to his new friends and was very happy. 

Hello everyone  this is @scilentmoon this is my very first fanfic of fairy tail cause y not is the best anime.

I don't  own  fairy tail . Nor do I own the pictures.

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