Chapter 4

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"One Of The Male Lead Candidates"

As we were about to arrive, our carriages suddenly stopped, so I opened the door to ask one of my nearby knights that escorted our travel onto what was happening.

"Umm, is everything alright?"

"Your grace!" he was flustered. "Well theres a group of mages whos guarding the path and their asking questions about our reason for the visit."

"Is that so."

I stood up and immediately went down and started walking upfront. As I saw the commander of my knights arguing with one of the guards in the entrance, I immediately spoke.

"Is there any reason as to why we can't get in?"

All of them were surprised and bowed, the commander knight told me, "Im sorry for the slight inconvenience your grace, but it seems like these people are challenging your authority."

The other person who was bowing and shaking in front corrected, "It's not like that at all your grace, it's just!"

Another voice of a man joined in, "It's an imperial order by his majesty the emperor, so please do take consideration for this, we are merely doing our jobs your grace."

When I turned around to look and see who was talking to me, my eyes widened.

Wait, if im not mistaken, isn't he, Jullios Raidor. In the novel, he was described as one of the greatest magicians in the empire, with purple colored hair and emerald green eyes.

In his story, he was a child who was labeled as a monster for possessing such great power, but through all of the accusations, his parents still loved and continued to protect him from the cruel world.

Until at the age of 10 years old, his mana went out of control and destroyed everything close to him. He was hurt and traumatized by the incident, and he lost all hope of living that day.

But when everything seemed so little for him, the head of the mage tower went to him and grabbed his hand, telling him he would take care of him now. And with that, he was able to live and continue with life.

Also, to add, he was one of the love interests that our heroine made head over heels for her, by our female lead's kind, sweet and caring personality, his heart felt at ease being with her, but sadly his love for her could only progress so little because the heroine already has someone in her heart and it wasnt him.

"I am truly sorry for the sudden intrusion, but i am merely here to give food for the people and help them."

The man sighed, "As much as we would like to accept your kind gesture, your grace, we are here for an investigation about a miasma leakage, so as of now, its not a safe place for regular humans like your knights and maids to enter this area."

Miasma investigation..., right. This novel also has that stuff written for the plot. Luckily, the imperial, grand ducal, and ducal bloodline was blessed by a god to have powers that protect them for such things.

"Then would your tropes be so kind enough to be the one distributing this food for the people who's struggling of hunger here?"

The man understood the situation since he knew how bad the life was of the slums, "Fine, I'll accept your offer."

I told my helpers, "Please, take all of the food outside and let the mages handle the rest of the task."

After time passed all of the mages were carrying the food, when the man was about to walk, he saw the grand duchess also bringing one herself.

He chuckled, "Hah, you're coming along to?, with a pampered lady such as yourself, do you think you can handle the surroundings that you'll see."

The commander knight got angry, "Watch your mouth, you lowly mage!"

"It's fine, dont make a big deal out of it." I started moving.

As we were already at a distance, the man came close and told me, "If you're just doing this for the sake of good image, you're no different from those greedy bastards who only has status to brag about."


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