
492 21 45

Third POV
The luxurious car from earlier was owned by dazai.

"This isn't my car. I stole it from my partner so feel free to dirty it" he explains with a cheery smile, helping Y/n into the vehicle. (Chuuya's car lol)
She cringes feeling the way her damp body and muddy boots were most likely going to dirty it, whether she wanted to or not.

Wiping away consistent droplets from her eyes. She failed to realise just how soaked Dazai's white shirt was. Watching intently as he climbed into the driver seat, turning the engine on, pushing his wet hair away. Every movement resulted the damp shirt to latch onto his skin, exposing his figure in the process. He possessed a mediocre body shape, although, the structure wouldn't be defined as feeble considering his work environment and being able to withstand her strength (even as she held back). However, the bandages, all over his body, wrapped nice and neatly she yearns to touch them, yearns to learn the tale behind them. Why so many?

She flinches once their eyes meet. A hazel coloured eye that composed a lengthy, miserable story aching to confront to her but afraid to do so, afraid of what she may think in return.

He slips a small chuckle which gradually developed into a heartfelt laugh. Her eyes are dilating as she instantly thinks 'he has a melodic laugh...'

Why did she ever hate it?

Her breath hiccups in her throat as he suddenly leans in closer. Teasingly tucking away strands of wet hair behind her ear, looking, actually looking, at her eyes. She wonders if he could also study the stories she has yet to share, the chapters that hurt her most, hide away, make her smile or even laugh. She concludes that he possibly could but just won't say a thing. Why? Because Dazai wants her to think, he wants her to fret over him. Whether or not he has figured out every.single.thought in her cluttered mind, or discovered that in some ways...she was no different from him.

'Why is he so close? At this point he might kiss me-'

"Y/n, if you wanted me to put on your seatbelt, you could have asked" he comments in a playful tone. Buckling her seatbelt before resuming his original position, as if he wasn't merely inches away from her lips moments ago.
For some odd reason she wants to hit him again.

"So, where to darling?" He asks, hands readily on the steering wheel. (He should not be driving)
Y/n stopped to think, and it's baffling because she really had no idea. Originally, she should be back at the scene, but...she really might die if she sees that again. She can't go home, her mum will know instantly something happened. Not the station either...she had no place to go.

"I...I don't know" she admits and it's a slap to the face, saying it out loud, it's embarrassing. Why does dazai always manages to see these pathetic sides of her?
Dazai hummed thinking for a moment before clicking his fingers. "Than it's a date!" he comments giddily, muttering inaudible sentences she wonders if the rain had finally made him go mad.
'A date, huh...'

"Sure" dazai halts, slowly turning towards the H/c head who purposely turned to face the window.
He blinked a few times, clearly dumbstruck by her unusually composed response.
'Oh darling. You always leave me second guessing myself'

"But I'm driving, I'm not dying because of you"

"Yes ma'am"


It's a quite drive to wherever dazai wanted to go. Although, it was comforting that they didn't find the need to keep up unnecessary chatter to avoid a deafening silence, she only hopes he wasn't plotting something in that machinery mind of his.

"Left" he suddenly utters and Y/n is cursing as she makes a sharp turn to the side, barely avoiding any casualties.
"DAZAI! STOP TELLING ME AT THE LAST SECOND!" She yells exhaling as he only stared at her in response. His entire body leaning against the door frame, dim lighting hitting his figure in a way that further illuminated his mysterious demeanour and character. He looks almost unrecognisable in this moment, almost...out of grasp.

Dazai x reader 'Police Officer'Where stories live. Discover now