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Third POV
Her back pressed against the cold metal bars ran a shiver down her spine. Smoothing sounds of the weightless waves gushing away seemed to have temporarily washed over some of the anxiety sprouting in her stomach, like a bad seed growing in an area it should have never been placed.

She stares absentmindedly towards the darkness illuminated by a single street light. Bringing her knees up to hug them she only exhales a long sigh, her Aunts' heavy words compressing her down by every passing moment. 
She was right, in some ways. Just because Y/n despised the L/n family does not mean she knows the secrets they conceal within their closed hearts. Although, isn't that the very problem? That they don't seem to trust each other enough to confide in one another? She feels conflicted and so angry...she couldn't even defend her father's honour...let alone her own.

Hugging her knees tighter, her other hand began fiddling at her tie. It's funny that it seems to capture his faint aroma and it's even more hilarious that she was willing to kill her own cousin for her sickly attachment to a piece of cloth. What has she become?

A loud shout from across the bridge and Y/n could only squint, unable to distinguish the figure in the darkness.
"Who the fu—HUH? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" She yells astonished that for once it wasn't Dazai who found her here, but in fact Haru, the little boy from the Arcade.

The boy excitedly ran towards the baffled H/c head, the whale she had gotten him that day held tightly in his grip. An embrace Y/n didn't come to anticipate as he held onto her so tightly she questioned whether this really was the same boy who had threatened her to play his game.

"I It's nice to see you too...kid?" She bite the inside of her cheek realising she had very much forgotten the boy's name and somehow guilt overcomes her.
"Haru. My name is Haru" he spoke quietly surprisingly not making a fuss over Y/n's quite heavy mistake, other children would have done otherwise...

He embraces her for a few seconds too long before releasing, sitting beside her on the ground. They're both quiet, the subdued sounds of the waves took over in an instant, helping the sudden silence to be anything but awkward.
'Fuck. I'm not good with kids'

"OH. WAIT, WHY IN THE WORLD ARE YOU OUT HERE SO LATE?!" Y/n suddenly yells feeling so stupid that she hadn't thought of such a thing sooner.
"Oh...um...late n night walk??" He says in a rather rushed, unsure tone, fiddling anxiously at the hem of his shirt.

Y/n raised her brow, deciding what would be the mature action to take. She figured he probably lived in the area and needed some time to clear his mind just as she was doing. No harm would come to him from her decision right? She's with him after all.

"Hey, but what are you doing here oneechan?" He questions while poking her arm. He's a bit touchy today compared to that time in the Arcade, she wonders why...
"Hm, you know what? I'm not sure myself, maybe the same reason as you?"
She's running away. Running as fast as she can because her Aunt was right, she's becoming a serious problem—she knows it too well and it's eating away at her like a swarm of infested bugs.

"...Actually...I lied. I'm here because I need to be away from home" he suddenly uttered, beginning to fiddle with different things, from his hands to the button of his shirt.
"Away from...them" he continued looking a bit hazed before regaining his composure.

Y/n hummed. She knew his reason had something to do with home but she hadn't thought he would open up to her about it. It's touching...how he finds the courage to confined in her of all people, she wants to borrow that same courage for herself...

"Haru, I'm a police officer. Whatever is keeping you from going home...I will gladly do anything in my power to help. You don't have to...you-don't ever have to endure" she advised, somehow the words forming in her mouth seemed so unnatural and distant to her every belief, she wondered if he even believed her, yet for some reason she wanted to repay his unwavering courage with her own maturity.

Dazai x reader 'Police Officer'Where stories live. Discover now