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As they had predicted, the rest of the gang was already up when they got back to the cabin and were halfway through breakfast. They were shocked when they saw the duo walk through the door, they all thought the two of them were still upstairs, sleeping the alcohol off. 

Riley took a seat next to Dani and tried to ignore the looks she and Priyanka were sending her way. She already knew that they would question her at some point during the day.

Meanwhile Joe walked into the kitchen to make himself a second cup of coffee, followed shortly by his younger brother who leant against the counter next to the coffee machine. Nick crossed his arms and stared at Joe, waiting for him to acknowledge his presence. 

The last thing he wanted was to ruin what looked like a great weekend or to make things awkward, but he wanted to know where his brother's head was at and now seemed like the perfect timing to approach the subject.

''Riley's a great person, right?'' Nick said while still watching his brother.

Joe stopped pouring his coffee and gave his brother a weird look. ''Yeah, she is. Where's this coming from?''

''Nowhere. I just hope you know what you're doing and that you think things through before doing anything.''

''For God's sake Nick I met the girl last night, we had a few conversations, just like you guys did. I'm not hitting on her.'' He was growing frustrated.

Nick raised his hands in front of him, as if to surrender and turned fully towards his brother. ''All I'm saying is you may not do things on purpose sometimes, but we know how you are with the girls. Riley's a nice person and Dani and Kevin are really closed to her. And with everything that's happened with Sophie and the media lately just... be careful. I'm just looking out for you.''

And looking out for his brother he did. That's just who Nicholas Jonas was, although it often looked like he was the serious one – maybe too serious, deep down he wanted what was best for his family and his friends. It had been a rough year for Joe and even if he didn't make it a habit to talk about his failing marriage with his brothers, they were not blind and knew that he was hurting. 

Nick could see that his brother was feeling helpless due to what was being said in the media and wanted to make sure that he didn't do anything stupid. Besides, if he were being honest, Nick knew that Riley would stick around the Jonas family, one way or another. And the same way a brother would, he cared about her. He enjoyed the way he could get on her nerves sometimes.

''Don't worry about it, alright? I'm not heartless. By the way, I have a few ideas for a song, if you guys are up for it today.''

Nick nodded in agreement, glad that they were both on the same page. ''Sounds good, I'll let Kevin know. I'm sure the girls will find something to do for a few hours.''

Joe watched his brother leave the room and sighed, glad that the conversation was over. He felt like he was a kid who was being scolded for having his hand in the cookie jar. Only this time he was a man in his 30s, being scolded for having friendly conversations with a girl. A really cute girl, he thought. He knew he would have to be careful, not only because his divorce was still fresh, but because he didn't want to ruin a blossoming friendship.

A while later, the living room was now a mess, thanks to the 3 women who had decided that a selfcare regiment was a good idea. Priyanka's playlist was playing in the background, and Riley made a mental note to ask the older woman to send it to her. They were sitting on the floor; their faces covered in facial masks and were laughing at the multiple polaroid pictures they'd all taken since they'd arrived at the cabin. 

Riley did not say it out loud, but she was touched when Danielle got up to put a picture of the 3 girls on the wall, next to the many family pictures. She picked out a few pictures to add to her own collection back home, a testimony of the great memories they were making.

''How do you guys think the song writing is going?'' Priyanka asked the others while applying a second coat of nail polish to her left hand.

''I think they're on to something. Kevin told me a few days ago that he had some ideas for a song. He wants to write something for the girls.''

Riley stopped looking through the many pictures and looked at her best friend, curious and excited to hear the new song the brothers would create.

''Until then, I'm sorry ladies but we're gonna have to listen to my favorite song!'' Priyanka stood up to change the song and pretty soon, they could hear the first notes of What A Man Gotta Do and they knew what was about to happen. It was only a few seconds before 3 girls were repeating the iconic dance moves from the music video. They probably looked insane, covered in green facial masks, dancing and singing along to a song in the middle of a living room.

Unbeknownst to them, the song playing at a high volume had attracted the attention of the three men from the other room and it was quite a comical sight to witness. They sure would use it against them at one point.

''I say we show them a few of our moves.'' Kevin said to his brothers before they joined the 3 girls on the imaginary dance floor.

If someone would've told Riley that she would find herself in a situation like this one, she would've laughed at them. She definitely didn't remember the last time she'd laughed like this, and soon enough, more photos were added to the wall.


I'm just having too much fun writing this story!
I'm also (maybe) considering starting a new one as well.
We'll see how it goes. :)
Hope you like it! xo

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