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The ride to the cabin had taken somewhat longer than what they had initially planned, but the company Riley found herself in made up for it. She'd taken some minutes to call her neighbor to make sure that her cat was doing okay – as she knew the orange cat could be a nightmare to deal with sometimes. As they got closer to the Jonas' cabin and closer to nature, Riley could feel a sense of calm. She hoped that this getaway would help her find the inspiration she was looking for.

As they arrived at their destination, the place was not what she had expected it to be. Of course, the cabin was quite big, and she was certain that it could host some big parties – and probably had in the past, but it was giving her a different vibe. As they walked inside, leaving their stuff in the cars, Riley knew she had been right – it felt like home.

The cabin was, obviously, made of wood had some fancy touches, but what she noticed the most were the big floor-to-ceiling windows that was on the left side of the living room, and especially all the personal touches that seemed to have been added throughout the years. Pictures of them as kids, some with Kevin's daughters, some around the holidays. Suddenly, Riley felt like she had access to a side of the Jonas family that a lot of people did not.

''Nick and I will get the bags from the car. Riley, your room is upstairs as well, second door to the left.''

Riley watched as the boys went back outside and the wives made their way to the kitchen, talking about what they would cook for the first night there. Not knowing what to do in the meantime, she decided to use that time to explore her room. It was a decent sized bedroom with a king-sized bed in the middle of the room. Although not decorated with personal touches, it still felt welcoming.

There was a big window on the left side of the bed showing a view of the forest behind the cabin and, in front of the bed, two doors. One led to the closet and, as she went to open the second one to inspect what she assumed was the bathroom, she did not expect something, or rather someone, to be standing on the other side of the door.

''AHHHHH!! Oh my god I'm so sorry!'' Riley rapidly closed the door and stood closer to the bed, eyes wide opened.

She heard some noise coming from the doorway and looked up to see Kevin standing there with her bags. He put them down and looked around the room, frowning.

''You okay Riley? Did you see a spider or something?''

She shook her head, unable to speak. Thankfully, or unfortunately for her, the same door opened again.

''I'm kind of offended that you'd call me a spider, brother.''

Joe Jonas. In all his glory. This time fully dressed. Judging by the expressions on both brothers faces, they were finding the situation hilarious. Riley, on the other end, wanted to dig herself a hole and hide for the rest of the day.

''Joe, this is our friend Riley. Riley, I guess you met Joe already. For the record, you will share a bathroom. Just... Next time maybe lock the doors?'' he exited the room, leaving the other two together.

''Sorry about that, I didn't know someone was already in there.''

Joe shrugged his shoulder and winked at her ''That's cool, good way to break the ice. Gotta love when a woman takes charges, right?''

Riley watched as he walked back into the bathroom and closed the door behind him. She stared at it, trying to process the whole thing she'd just witnessed. 24 hours ago, she was freaking out over the fact that she would spend a weekend with them, and now she'd come face to face with a towel-covered Joe Jonas. And not that she had been staring, but the towel hung very low on his hips. What was even more troubling, was the attitude that he'd had towards her. Was it just the way he was? Was it what Danielle had told her about? The same attitude that she shouldn't take personal?

''I knew the bottle would be necessary...''

A few hours later, the group was sitting on the terrasse surrounding the cabin, enjoying the quietness of the area and the beautiful weather. Kevin was playing some melody on his guitar while talking with his brothers, the girls were talking about fashion and what-not, a subject that Riley could not really relate to. It was not really her field of expertise, to say the least. For the most part, she sat there listening to the group talk, her sketch book sitting on her lap and a drink in her hand. Drink that Joe had insisted on making them. Turns out that he was really good at making mimosas.

They also found out that he'd arrive the day before and had used that time to unwind, hence why they had no idea he'd been already there when they arrived. And why she'd had a personal encounter with him earlier that day.

''What about you, Riley? Why are you here this weekend?''

She looked up, startled, and met a pair of brown eyes that were staring right at her. And for a reason impossible to explain, it gave her chills.

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