Edward part 2

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Welcome back welcome back!! I decided I didn't like how it cut off and skipped like 2 books so we're back and making it extra! Enjoy this part of Edward X Reader!

"Edward, I want you to turn me." I tell him, he looks very disappointed. "I'm not going to turn you, we've been over this a million times." Edward says, shaking his head in disapproval, still focused on the dark road ahead of us. "But I want to live with you forever-" I start but he shushes me before I can continue. "We will live together until nature takes place. I don't want you to suffer this life as I have." He says, taking his finger off my lips. "Even if you do convince someone to do it, they'll likely kill you before you could turn. Blood is an addicting thing, especially when a human is the source." He says, turning into his driveway, on our way to hang out in their fancy big house. "Then I'll ask Carlisle. He managed to keep all of you alive, or something like that." I say as we get out of his Volvo, into the garage. "Likewise." He says, holding the small of my back. As soon as we enter the house and go up the stairs, Alice runs at me and steals me away from Edward. "I have so many new clothing I think you could rock!" She says, ushering me to her bedroom. "Give me your bag, I'll unpack for you." Edward says, reaching out. I willingly give it to him and me and Alice go to her room. Jasper is sitting on their bed, we wave and I continue to her huge closet. "Alice I can never wrap my head around how you have enough space for all of this." I say looking around her wardrobe, seeing how much it had grown since the last time I was here. "I saw what you wanted, y/n. Id love to help you but we both know I can't. I'm sorry, but I vote yes for you." She says getting some things off racks and others out of drawers. "Thanks Alice, it really means a lot." I say and she gives me a kind smile back.

She hands me the clothes, turns around and asks me to put them on. It's a nice, beautiful dark f/c dress, that just barely gets to half of my thighs. She hands me some black heels, not too tall but not exactly short either. I think I can manage. I look at myself in the mirror, and I have to admit, I look stunning. "You're not going to get out of it y'know.. we all know it's your birthday." She says, escorting me to the now decorated living room. Edward had promised me he wouldn't say anything, but I'm not sure. As I walk down the stairs, everyone is waiting, all dressed up. Edward standing off to the side. He's the first person I notice and the only one I can't take my eyes off of. He's wearing a nice, fitted black suit. I walk over to him and he wraps his arms around my waist.

"you said you wouldn't tell them." I think to myself, knowing he can hear it too.
"I didn't. I promised you I wouldn't do i didn't. Blame Alice, I'm sure she found out somehow." He says, the slightest whisper I've ever heard, I almost couldn't make out what he was saying. "Ugh! Edward!! I told you not to tell her!!" Alice says, her back turned to us as she gets the gifts they have all gotten me. "I didn't tell her anything, Alice. You know this." He says, Alice turning around holding the pile of gifts. "Here you go.. this is the one from me and Jasper.." she says, laying the rest of the gifts on the table beside me. She walks over to Jasper and everyone stares me down as I open them. They got me a nice sweater -probably her idea- in a beautiful snowy white color. I thank them and Emmett walks over and gently shoves a light box in my hand. It read "from Emmett and.. Rose?" I couldn't tell because the second person was scratched out. I guessed it was Rosalie because she's the only one who hates me. Makes sense I guess. I open the box and there's nothing inside. I look up at Emmett, very confused. "Don't worry we didn't cheese you out of a good gift. It's already in Edward's bedroom awaiting its first use." He says smiling, elbowing Rosalie but she isn't amused.  I set the box off to the side and pick up the last box of the bunch, a small box that was from Carlisle and Esme. "We didn't quite know what to get you, we hope you still like it.." Esme says, Carlisle smiling in agreement. "I'm sure I will." I say as I open the small box with a necklace inside. "Aw, thanks you guys. All of you. You really didn't have to-" I try to say but they stop me saying it's what I deserved, a party for my birthday. "Well, I'm sure you're getting tired. Cmon you guys, let's let her get some rest." Carlisle says pushing everyone to somewhere else. I still hadn't really mastered where everything is in this huge house. The only things left in the living room was me, Edward and some party decorations left to clean up when I wasn't around. Edward picked me up, rushed me to his room and sat me in his couch. "I waited until we were alone to give you my gift.." he says, rummaging around in his cabinets that I swore were empty. He pulls out another small box like the one Esme and Carlisle gave to me, but this one was different. I'm not sure what about it was but it definitely was more.. special. He handed it to me and told me to open it. I did as he said and there was a beautiful ring inside. I instantly thought he was proposing to me, but he quickly shut down the thought. "This isn't a proposal, not yet atleast. Just a promise ring. I knew you were waiting for a promise ring of sorts and I figured now was as good as ever. Happy Birthday, love." He says, sitting on the couch beside me and putting the ring in my finger. I hug him and burry my face in his neck, taking in the smell of his cologne. We sit like that for a while and I remember that Emmett's gift should be in here somewhere. Edward tells me it's on the small desk he had, by his door. I go over, it looks to be a shirt of sorts, with a hat. There was also a piece of paper on top, and it read, "Happy Birthday, Y/n!! Another year as our sister! We'd love if you'd come and play Thunder Baseball with us again sometime, so we got you a jersey and a hat to come and feel REALLY into it this next time. Remember we love you, y/n!    - Sincerely Emmett and Rosalie. (And the rest of the Cullens)" I am touched they wanted me to come and play with them. Except Rosalie, because once again her name was scratched out. Edward is still sat in his couch, waiting for me to come over and sit with him again. "Why does Rosalie hate me so much? Did I do something wrong.?" I ask Edward and he doesn't respond. I turn around and see him, just sitting there staring at me, with loving eyes.

"I will turn you under one condition." He says, I completely forgot about it because of the surprise, but nevertheless, I was still excited to hear the condition. "Okay, what is it!?" I say, I'm willing to do anything that means I can stay with him for eternity. "I want you to marry me." He says and my jaw drops. "M-marry you?" I say, clearly shocked. "Yes, marry me." He says. I put a little bit of thought in it and decide it would have happened eventually, so I agree.

Yada yada this that and the other pretty much the rest of the gap between this part and the next of this story. Hope you guys liked it anyways!

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