Edward part 3 (🍋)

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Author note or whatever
What's up you guys, this is the last part of Edward (atleast for now) and this is a time skip. There will be a sex scene!!! So like if you don't like it... sorry..? BIG times skip. You are human and you and Edward are married and on your honeymoon. (You guys are 19)
You and Edward are in his car on your way to the beach house you guys are staying at for a few week or so. He's driving and your in the passenger side, his hand clasped on your thigh. "The stars are beautiful tonight..." you say, looking out your window at the sky. "Yeah, they are." He says back, rubbing his thumb across your skin. Eventually you make it to your rented beach house, illuminated outside by the porch light. You both exit the car, grab your luggage and head to the front door. He looks under the flower pot beside and reveals a key. He grabs said key and unlocks the house, turning on the lights. "Oh. My. God. Edward this house is beautiful." You say, looking around the dimly lit house. "Yeah. Cmon, let's go to the bedroom and unpack." He says, gently pushing you trying to get you to walk in. "Okay, okay! I'll go." You say walking into the house. You walk around the whole house until you finally find the bedroom. You set your suitcase down and jump on the bed. You get rebounded then fall back down. Edward does the same, only after he nagged at you for not unpacking first. "Meh I'll get to it later." You say, rolling over to watch him unpack his stuff for the bathroom. He finishes up unpacking and comes over to lay with you. He lays down behind you, gently wrapping his arms around your waist. "Y'know I love you, right?" He says, giving you a gentle squeeze. "I do know that. You know I love you more though." You say, turning around to look at him.

He smiles at you, you smile at him. You touch his ribs gently then you poke him. He bursts out in laughter then starts to poke your ribs. You both laugh together then you stop, catching your breath. "Haha, that was fun." You say, staring into Edward's eyes. He looks serious. Like, super serious. "Hey... are you alright? Did I poke too hard..?" You ask, feeling bad. He just looks at you. Silence fills the air and you decide to get out of it. "I'm... gonna go do something." You say, getting up. He sits up with you, holding your hand. "Where do you think your going?" He asks, holding you back. "Uh I don't know probably on the beach." You say trying to break loose from his grip. "Hey now... not quite yet. I still have something to do." he says, dragging you back over to the bed.


He sits you on his lap, starting to kiss you. Lips, cheek, neck, anywhere and everywhere. If it's part of you, his lips meet it. Soon enough your laying down, his head between your legs. Your grasping onto his hair for dear life, legs shaking, about to cum. He pulls away for a second, telling you to cum on his face. He goes back down and soon you do just that. He raises himself from your pussy and sits on his shins, letting you recover from your orgasm. You lay there, naked as can be while he sits there looking over you. After a minute or so he asks if you're ready, you responding with a nod. He takes off his pants and boxers, throwing them off to the side. He gets into position and slips his dick in you. You let out a light moan, as does he. He starts to fuck you, not hard, but enough to make a start. After a second of that he speeds up, making you beg for more. He does as you say and gives you more. Now he is fully inside of you, going as hard as he can without hurting you. "Edward- I'm gonna cum!!" You yell at him. "I am too, just hold out for a little longer-" he says, trying to hold on to the feeling. As his pace starts to get out of whack, he leans down and sucks on your neck, leavening a deep purple mark for all of the world to see. "Edward-!" You scream, digging your nails into his back. "Ah- Y/N- I love you I love you.." he moans as he breaks the headboard into bits and pieces. He and you let out your final moans as you both cum together. He sits up on his shins again, waiting for a while before pulling out. "Are you ready or do you want to wait longer?" He asks, referring to his dick in you. "You can pull out now. Thanks for waiting..." you say, he then pulls out and lays beside you. "I love you.." you both say to each other, in unison. You lay there for a minute or two, catching your breath. Well, you are. Edward is there for sympathy (haha get it? vampires don't need to breathe...).

"Did you enjoy it..?" I ask nervously after catching my breath. "Of course I did. That was the best thing I've done in all of my existence." He says, looking into my eyes. He smiles at me and I can't help but laugh. "What? Is something on my face?" He asks, I shake my head no. "It's nothing, don't worry about it." I say stifling a laugh. "Something's up. What is it??" He asks seriously. "I told you, nothing!" I say getting up, going to the bathroom. "Alright then..." he calls out, getting up. I use the bathroom as he goes... somewhere. I go dig through my clothes, finding nothing appealing. I go over to his and grab one of his shirts, this will do nicely right? I put it on, walking around the house, trying to find him. I hear great piano coming from another room. I seek out the music and he is sitting there, playing Bella's lullaby. (Pretend he wrote it for you). While he's tapping away at the keys, you go over and sit on the bench beside him and lay your head on his shoulder. He finishes up the piece and turns to look at you. "You gonna tell me what's so funny now?" He asks, brushing the stray hair out of my face. "Mmmm, alright," I say, he looks excited "you we're a virgin for like, 90 years- how??" I say, trying to act serious. "I just never had sex. Easy." He says, looking at me. "I was your first time, right?" He asks, looking deep into my soul. I shake my head yes and he looks accomplished. "That's what I thought. Cmon, let's go cuddle." He says, picking me up from the bench, bridal style. We arrive at the bed, it's quite broken. "Oh wow." I Say, looking at the remains, feathers everywhere. "They aren't gonna be happy about that." He says, sitting me down on it. "It'll be fine." I say, shrugging as he gets on top of me. He wraps his arms around me and nuzzles his face in my neck. "I love you, Y/N." He says. "I love you too, Edward."

I wake up, on the broken bed the next morning. The bright light of the sun against the sand is blinding me while I try to get up. I sit up and rub my eyes, looking back where I was laying. Edward is nowhere to be found, so I go use the bathroom. I go to the kitchen in search for some cheese or something to snack on before I go look for Edward outside. I get my snack and see a note on the counter.

I went into the nearby woods to hunt. I will be a while, I might or might not be back by the time you awake. There's pancake batter in the fridge, and I'll be back soon. I love you.


P. S.  We will probably stay at the beach house today unless planned otherwise. I love you.

Hm. Okay, he's gone and I'm alone. Awesome. I go back to bed and just lay there. I stare at the ceiling and decide after a while that I need to do something with my life. I go dig around in my suit case until I find the red bikini Alice packed for me. She wouldn't let me pack my own, so everything was a surprise. I change into it, get a towel then go out to the ocean. I lay the towel on the sand and hope it doesn't blow away while I float around in the water. I dip my toes in the water and it's pretty warm. I walk more into it, then finally get fully submerged, except for my head of course. I let my feet rise to the surface of the water and float on my back. It's nice until something comes up from under the water and lifts me out of it. I recognize a familiar pair of hands holding me up by my waist. "AHH- EDWARD LET ME DOWN!!!" I yell, trying to get out of his grasp. "Okay." He says, throwing me into the water with no problem. I float back up and see he's in his bathing suit. Either he's been planning this all morning or I've been oblivious to his presence for a while. I swim back over to him and he wraps his arms around me. "Please don't do that again Edward." I say, I really don't want to get thrown like that again. "I wasn't going to.." he says, pulling me closer. I wait for a couple seconds to make sure he won't throw me and I wrap my arms around him. I lay my head on his wet chest, and we hold each other. We're lovers, we don't need others. We dry off and go back inside, get dressed to normal clothing and play chess and other various board games on the beach. I got a sun burn.

Golly gee that was... something. Whew! If you guys want more Edward, tell me. I'll gladly oblige. Thanks 😍

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