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Hey you guys! I probably wont continue the Corey Cunningham story, but I might feel the need to do so, so we shall see. (Sorry you haven't seen me in like, months.) This is Edward Cullen x Reader, enjoy!


I wake up in the morning, groggy as per usual. I roll over to check the time, its 8:20 AM. 8:20 AM??!! School starts in 15 Minutes!! I shoot out of bed, brush my hair, teeth and throw on clothes. I run out of my bedroom and down the stairs. "Good Morning honey, do you want some breakfast?" My Mom asks. "No time! Bye!!" I shout, running out of the house. I get in my car and head to school. I make it just in time before I am late. I rush to my Biology II class, just barely making it. "Good Morning, Mr. Molina!" I say, rushing towards a seat. As soon as I sit down, the bell rings. Whew. "Good Morning, class. I hope your having a fine morning so far. We will be going over Evolution today." Mr. Molina says.

I sit my bag beside my chair, get what I need out and set it on the desk. I haven't took the time to see who I sat beside as for I just took a random seat. I look to my left, and see a pale, brown haired boy beside me. He looks at me, I wave and he waves back. Only then do I notice his beautiful light hazel eyes. They almost look orange, strange. "Hello, my name is Edward." He says, his deep voice took me back a little. "Uh- My name is Y/N." I say, looking at him. "You have beautiful eyes." I say, he looks away. Heh, he must be shy. Mr. Molina starts class, and we all pay attention. For the most part. About 1/3 of the way through his speech, I zone out. I look at Elliot, er- Emerson-? Ah potato potata (y'know what I'm tryin to say). He sits there, staring at his paper. He looks like an angel.

I sit there, staring for a little longer until Mr. Molina speaks up. "Y/N, pay attention to your worksheet not Mr. Cullen." My head shoots towards him as everyone laughs. I get hot in the face and put my head down. Edward doesn't laugh, though. "Don't be embarrassed, it happens to the best of us." he says, trying to make me feel better. "Thanks." I say. "You can get my answers if you need, I'm almost done." He says, finishing up his paper then sliding it towards me. "Thank you. Let me pay you back, what do you want for lunch?" I ask, taking his answers. "Ah- nothing, I'm not that hungry." He says, watching me copy his answers.

"You sure? You might get hungry..." I say. "I'll be fine, thanks for the offer, though." He says, giving me a warm smile. My heart freaks out a little, I still manage to spit out a "Yep." With that, the bell rung and we were dismissed to lunch. (ik you wouldn't go to your first class then lunch give me a break😭) Everyone gets up and leaves. I finish packing up and go to leave. "Hey, wait." I turn around and Edward is standing there. "Yeah? Is something up?" I ask, he says "Uh yeah, can I have your number..?" I look at him shocked, mouth agape. Oh wow. A totally hottie wants my number!! "Uh, yeah you can have it. Its _________." I say, "Do you need me to write it down?" I ask, he responds with a simple no. "Okay, well I'll see you tomorrow, bye." I say, heading off to the cafeteria.

I get in line to buy some food, I buy said food and go find a gross table. I sit down and eat. I put my arm on the table, and feel something sticky. Ew god, did someone cum on the table?? Nah, just syrup. I continue to eat and someone with freezing fingers tap on my shoulder. I turn around and Edward is standing there, looking at me with confusion plastered on his face. "What's up? Did you change your mind on the pay back deal?" I ask, he shakes his head no. "Why are you sitting here, its gross." He asks, I respond with a simple idk. "Do you want to sit with me and my siblings..?" He asks, I kindly decline. "No thank you, I like the solitude of sitting alone." I say, he nods with an understanding face. "Ok. Well if you change your mind, we're sitting over... there." He says, extending his arm to point at a group of people. They all look up at me and huddle up. They start whispering and I get a little nervous. "They aren't talking about you, don't worry. They're talking about me." He says, calming me down. How did he know I was thinking that?

"Uh- yeah. I'll think about it.." I say, picking up my tray and returning it to the lunch ladies. I go back to my gross table, pick up my things and go to the library. Ah, yes. My little fortress of silence and solitude. I love this place, nobody is ever here unless they need a place to study or do homework. Besides that its completely empty, usually. Today, it seems as if the whole school just decided to bundle up in here and explode. I try to navigate the crowd but nothing good comes of it. I give up and decide to come back later. I go to my next class, disappointed in my missed achievement. I sit there, nothing to do, nobody to talk to, just me myself and I. That was possibly the longest class I have ever had to suffer through. Soon enough hell had ended and I start my car. It doesn't start. Woo Hoo just what I need. I try again, to no avail. Once more and the engine starts. "YES!!" I cheer out loud. I hear laughter from outside my window. I look to my left and Edward is standing outside of my car. I roll down my window, a slow and painful process. "Hey, just wanted you to know I'll probably call you around 4. Maybe 5 I don't know. Is that ok with you?" He asks, I say yes and with that I am on my way home. As I'm driving through a heavily wooded part of the road, I have this overwhelming feeling in my gut. As if something is watching me... I try to shake the feeling, as for it happens every day. I try and try and try but nothing happens.

I feel the urge to look to my right, I do and someone is there, for a split second. I see it, then it vanishes. It was definitely humanoid, but I'm not sure what it was doing. The feeling is gone and I continue on my journey. I make it home, my mother at work. (She works Night Shift.) There is a note on the counter letting me know there is my favorite meal in the fridge. "Score!!" I Say, opening the fridge, getting it out and warming it up. I set my plate on the table and eat a lonely meal. I sit there, eating then the phone rings. I look at the clock, it's only 3:30, maybe he decided to call a little early. I put down my fork and pick up the phone. "Hello?" I say into the phone, and a female answers. "Hey, Y/n! You don't know me, but I'm Edward's sister, Alice. I'm calling on behalf of Edward, he'll probably still call, but that doesn't matter. He's busy and seems to be busy for a while longer, so maybe expect a call around 6 or 7 now. Bye! I can't wait to meet you! By the way I LOVED your outfit today!!" And with that she hangs up before I could say goodbye.

I do everything I need to do before doing my homework and going to bed. I lay in bed, restless. I start thinking and realize Edward hasn't called yet, it's 9:30. Maybe he forgot or is still busy.? I think about him and start to think... not good things. I suddenly feel a presence in the room. I look at my window and someone is standing there in the grim light from outside. "Before you freak out, it's me, Edward." The mystery shadow says, reassuring me. I sit up in my bed. "Why are you here Edward? How did you get in?" I ask, he shrugs and mutters something. "Did you say something?" I ask. He says no and walks out of my bedroom. Strange. After a few minutes of contemplating my life, he comes back in. "Edward, seriously what are you doing here??" I whisper shout, starting to get a little worried. "We need to talk, y/n." He says, sitting on my bed.

I shoot up on my bed, hearing the blaring alarm ring through my ears. I cut it off and sit there thinking for a minute. How much of that was a dream??? I look at the clock and see it is 4 AM. why did I set my alarm for 4 AM??? God, I really am getting delusional. I set my alarm for 7:30 and head back off to sleep. Or so I thought. I hear steps in my room and the familiar shadow from my dream was hovering over my head. I make an "EEK!" Sound. "Hey, calm down, it's me Edward. It's fine, I won't hurt you." The person says. "Edward it's 4 am. Why are you in my house. How did you get in my house??" I ask. He explains how he snuck in my window. Must not have locked it last night. "I finished your Biology homework for you, just now." I thank him and he says his farewells. He jumps back out my window and I drift off to sleep. My first dream was him sneaking in my room again but for... other reasons. The second lasted for what felt like 4 seconds and my alarm blared again. I hit it Off the side table and get up. Time for school again. yay.

Alright I'm done with this one, I'll do a part 2 to it soon but be settled with this for now. This story contains a total of 1920 words. Thanks for reading I hope you liked it!!!

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