Rias Gang

523 13 10

...So, writing this in post...I don't really have an opener for this one...so...umm...with the magic of-

Ryo: Just start the chapter.

Alrighty then. Question of the day. Pancakes or waffles? Hope you all enjoy the chapter!

Male Reader:

Name: Y/n
Hair Color: H/c
Bang Color: B/c
Eye Color: E/c


With Ryo:

At approximately 7 in the morning, an alarm clock rang.


It stopped ringing.

Ryo began to rise up a sitting position on his bed, looking blankly at the small dresser next to him that showcased the smashed alarm clock under his hand. "Shit, there's goes the money I paid for that thing..."

Then, a thought came to mind. "...Actually, why do I even use an alarm clock when I can wake up by myself easily?"

As you can clearly see with your eyes, our protagonist had just woken up and wasted five dollars he will never get back by destroying his alarm clock. Regardless he simply sighed lightly and attempted to move off of his bed to get into his school uniform, only to feel a presence that was gripping onto him from the side clutching him with a passion. 

"...This seems familiar." He thought to himself, almost on instinct grabbing his sword from under his pillow. "Alright, whoever is under here better have a good explaination as to why they are h-it's Kuroka, it's Kuroka isn't it?"

"Took you long enough~..." She said drunkly from next to him, eyes closed and a smile on her face. The red eyed male meanwhile gained a deadpan and casually pushed the mostly nude -that robe did little to hide her body he just wanted to say- girl off of him, sprawling her out on her back on his bed. Though even when off of him, she looked up at him with the same smile on her face.

"Don't you have a bed? Sleep there." He told her, the nekomata going to lay and rest on her of her side

"Yours is more comfortable." She said simply, pressed her fist into her chest as she relaxed more

"And why do you lay on me then...?" Her teammate question, getting a small shrug from her

"You're comfortable to sleep on."



"...Well, stop it. It's staring to get annoying."

"Why should I-nyan~?" She questioned. Crawling to him seductively -if the look and sway in her hips gave anything awa- before pushing her developed chest onto his his, whispering in his ear "You know how much I want this~"

Ryo didn't meanwhile. Truth be told, he didn't care. So he responded with his usual "tch" and began to open a drawer and ran his hand through it and pulled something out.

"What's tha-"


"Thot repellent. Leave." He said, using much more of the spray than certainly intended, and in turn wetting the girl all over 

"S-Stop-Oh god some went in my mouth..."

Ryo only stopped once over half the bottom was emptied. "Bet that'll teach you to get in my bed randomly."

God Level {Highschool DxD x OP OC/Male Reader} {Final Remake}Where stories live. Discover now