First Day At School...Mistakes Have Been Made

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Alright so I need something clever for the start of the remake chapter. 

Ryo: Just do anything. Besides the question no one reads this stuff. 

 But what if they do?

Ryo: Then give fanservice? I don't really care

Fanservice...wait! There it is! A perfect start to this new chapter! I need to entice the readers the only way DxD fans truly know in these fanfics! Ohh the fans gon' looove this! BEHOLD:

wait! There it is! A perfect start to this new chapter! I need to entice the readers the only way DxD fans truly know in these fanfics! Ohh the fans gon' looove this! BEHOLD:

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Ryo: ...


Ryo: Let's hope this doesn't get taken down

Meep. Anyways hello my fellow dragons/other mythologies to a BRAND NEW DXD BOOK! My third attempt at this story and I PROMISE I will not fail this time! Things, as evident by the bio and harem, are going to be different! Starting with the first chapter of many to come! Can I get a LET'S GOOOOOOOO?!

Ryo: Tch

Welp, before we start I should ask the famous QUESTION OF THE DAY! BEST girl from DxD?! Let me see the many, and also hopefully varying, answers!

With that said, hope you all enjoy!

Male Reader:
Name: Y/n 
Hair Color: H/c
Bang Color: B/c
Eye Color: E/c


With Ryo:

*Breathe* *Breathe*

Here we started into the a decently sized room, one that had a person sleeping right inside of it on their bed. He was comfortably underneath his bedsheet, his unconsciousness mind filled with who knew what as he laid down, though that would change extremely quickly...much to his annoyance...


The person that had barged into his room blinked once a whole ass sword found itself zipping past her head and into the wall behind her. She...Didn't seem so surprised, and merely placed her hands on her hips as she looked at the person who did that with an amused smirk on her face. 

Speaking of which, our main character has finally woken up. His current attire was a simple black shirt with pants decorated of some action anime, one that the girl definitely hasn't watched. His eyes she noticed was insanely bored looking, but there was some tiredness sprinkled in there as well. If he stayed awake all night she didn't know, nor did it matter; she knew he was still capable of functioning. That was proven slightly once he began to sit up on his bed, teleporting his sword back to him, his hand placing it next to him as he stared at the nekomanta in front of him. 

God Level {Highschool DxD x OP OC/Male Reader} {Final Remake}Where stories live. Discover now