This Is My Last Time In A Church I'll Tell Ya Hwhat.

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So you think people still read this?

Ryo: Hell if I know. Check the statistics if this book ever reaches past 50K like the previous ones. You ever try making your titles more simpler? That would help.

Oh. Well I don't have much other things to say besides WEEEEELCOME BACK my fellows dragons/other mythologies to another chapter of this DxD book! This is the ending of the Raynare arc for the story, which means we're almost halfway into season 1. Each day we not only approach closer to season 2, but also where I don't have to rearrange an entire chapter to fit my current style! Yay!

Ryo: ...

...You could try and be more excited

Ryo: ...Yay

...Question of the day. Between the items of burgers, hot dogs, fried chicken, and fries, rank these best to worst. 

Ryo: The people that don't eat meat are looking at you weirdly 

Meep. Well, umm, ENJOY!

Male Reader:
Name: Y/n 
Hair Color: H/c
Bang Color: B/c
Eye Color: E/c


With Ryo:

Ryo was currently sitting in a tree, as a crow, doing absolutely jack compared to the three-Issei, Koneko, and Kiba- inside of the Church, who were all currently fighting Freed alongside Raynare's group of Fallen Angels and priests. He had half a mind to go and join...buuuut that wasn't really his fight, so he might as well watch to see if any reinforcements would be coming to help the date killer like he "said" he'd do.

It may be boring but hey, it'd be worth it when Raynare died he guessed.

"Hmm?" He muttered to himself, turning his head towards the opposite direction of the Church. "About a dozen or more Fallen Angels are coming this way. Good, this night may not a complete waste on my end."

Eye widening, he would teleport right after he made that retort, exiting like he was never there to begin with.

With the Fallen Angels:

The group of fallen angels and rogue priests were just casually walking towards the church, fully intent on backing up their newfound leader in Raynare who called them in "just in case." It would be an easy job they all thought, but none expected a whole ass Ryo Kirishima appearing in front of them out of a tornado of crows in his casual outfit, making them all jump in shock at the appearance, even more so when his red eyes looked at them.

"Wh-Who are you?!" 


"You better answer!"



"Why didn't you say so?" The demon commented up, breaking his silence as he stared monotonously at the group. "The names Ryo and I'll be the one to put you all to sleep permanently. Nice to meet you all."

One of the fallen would then walk up all inside of Ryo's personal space. "You think you can kill us you brat?" Not only was he in his space, but his last word managed to send saliva onto the demon's face, making the boy wipe his face with his arm casually as he stared up at the person.

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