F Is For Friends That Do Stuff Together

693 12 2

(Happy, late, Halloween. I present Asia, but while on a mission her costume got torn up.)

You think I can create a clever introduction for this chapter?

Ryo: No

Oh. Well, umm, welcome my fellow dragons/other mythologies to another chapter of DxD. I don't really know how to start this one, so...hi. Question of the day, ranch or blue cheese? Can't say "neither" either, give an answer, meep. 

Enjoy the chapter!

Male Reader:
Name: Y/n
Hair Color: H/c
Bang Color: B/c
Eye Color: E/c


With Ryo:

Now...This was a development.

In the dead of night as a whole ass crow, Ryo was currently flying over Asia to watch over her as she and some priest he did not care for the name of go back to the suspected Fallen Angel's hideout from itching he Church. The reason? Well Ryo was watching Issei go to complete a contract with some guy that summoned him, and learned alongside the gear haver that he was killed by the silver haired guy that now held the sister. 

To make it short, Asia was there, Issei got injured bad, she tried to protect Issei, got whacked, and then was threatened with an act of assault. "Nearly" being the key word if it wasn't for the toma-Rias and her peerage coming in last minute to help Issei...but leaving Asia behind much to the hisdismay. After that happened Freed -he just remembered his name- decided to not go on his threat and started to drag Asia back to his hideout while Ryo watched. 

Granted...He didn't really care for Asia. But Issei liked her and he guessed she liked the two of them enough so he might as well go and make sure nothing happened to her for a good while. She probably didn't need him but hey, who knew?

"Get in here ya blonde slut!" Freed exclaimed merrily before proceeding to yeet the girl onto the floor, followed by her squeaking at the toss and the impact on the ground

Ryo had now gotten the chance to see what Asia's room looked like and lets say...its pretty weird. It was very small, had a sleeping bag as a bed, and a window that had bars behind it so if anything she was in a prison cell. Now...Not to be emo or edgy like some other characters on this site but he believed some of the places he's stayed in over the years have been worse...

"Thoughts author?"

(Piss off.)

"Don't worry, everything will be fine and dandy tomorrow." Freed told her before walking out, all while laughing. "Next time don't try and even think about stopping my fun! Idiot!"

He was gone soon after, and the blonde walked over to her bed looking sad as all hell. A whimper escaped her lips, tears came to her eyes, and she began to clutch herself while in her little corner all while the crow outside watched.

"She's just crying, nothing too serious at least." He thought to himself. "I could get her out of here, but there's no real place I'd take her without hearing something. Plus the rest of them might be wondering where I'm at...well, good lu-"

Asia began to openly sob at this point.


Ryo would flap his little bird wings, beginning his flight into the sky before dashing upwards, his form covering the moon above his if one looked at him from a certain angle. Narrowing his eyes, he would make one big "FLAP!" and rocket towards the bar with an intense look. The plan was simple, he'd made it through the bars of the window and-

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