30: No More Secrets

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It was about noon the next day when Wooyoung and San were abruptly woken from their peaceful sleep.

A ruckus had disturbed them in their little dark room, only to be greeted by their captain. He was there to see if San was ready to be set free, and jokingly added making sure that Wooyoung was still alive.

Neither were fond of that joke, which quickly had Hongjoong apologizing.

So the thing is, the previous night/morning, after the couples little heart-to-heart, Yunho returned confused, but understanding of what happened. Sadly though, in order to ensure no one would be suspicious of what happened, Yunho had to lock San up again. Meaning that the vampire slept like that all night, with Wooyoung cuddling into his side. At least Yunho brought the hunter a blanket to at least try to keep warm.

"Where'd the blanket even come from anyway?" Hongjoong asked after lending Wooyoung a hand to help him up.

Wooyoung accepted the offer, being tugged onto his feet by the vampire. "Oh, uh, I went and got it after some time last night. I got kinda cold. So yeah."

Hongjoong hummed, seemingly accepting that answer. He reached down to San to also offer him a hand up, which the younger accepted as well. The leader was about to speak before being cut off with his own chuckle. San smirked a little as well.

Meanwhile Wooyoung turned beet red, putting a hand over his stomach.

"What have I said about reacting to that?" Wooyoung whined loudly, highly embarrassed. He slipped past Hongjoong and made his way out of the mock maze, about to reach for the door when there was a tug at his good arm, causing him to spin around.

He stood face to face with San, who held an apologetic look to his eyes. Hongjoong rounded the corner of the shelving units, smiling softly as he looked at the bonded pair as they bickered with one another.

"This is probably the best I've ever seen you after a close call San." Hongjoong remarked, interrupting the couples moment not only with his voice, but also by walking by them to get to the door. "I'm glad you're doing well."

San hummed, nodding his head. There was a look to him though that showed he was thinking, almost showing he was guilty, but it was equally as clear he was trying to hide it. At least for now.

"And I suppose we can wait a little bit longer so Wooyoung can eat." Hongjoong added, smiling a bit more cheekily in the hunters direction.

Wooyoung's jaw tightened as he glared at his leader, not appreciating the joke over his grumbling stomach.

"Is everybody else awake?" San asked innocently, following Hongjoong out of the room when the older started walking, looking back to hold the door open for Wooyoung.

"Essentially." Hongjoong replied with a sigh. "Jongho and Yeosang were both out on the couches, trying to stay awake, but they both keep drifting off. It's actually kind of funny since they keep leaning up against each other."

San chuckled, shaking his head. "I'm assuming Yeosang was trying to stay up to make sure no one else needed medical help."

"From what I understand, yes. You know how he gets sometimes." Hongjoong shrugged his shoulders, pausing his movements at the end of the hallway before they exit into the main part of the warehouse. "And same with Jongho, he wanted to make sure you'd be fine. I don't think either of them actually went to bed and just crashed on the couches."

In synchrony, San and Wooyoung let out heavy sighs. It got both of them to look to the other in a brief shock, earning a chuckle from Hongjoong.

"Anyway, go eat. Take your time, it's no rush." Hongjoong moved his head in the direction of the kitchen, showing a sympathetic look. "I'll go inform the others."

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