27: Fighter

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"You ready to go?" Wooyoung jumped at the sound of San's voice, looking over to the entrance of their bedroom to see the vampire standing there with the door open, waiting.

"Uh, yeah." Wooyoung replied hesitantly, starting to move towards the door before pausing in his steps. He turned quickly and rushed towards the nightstand, grabbing his phone and shoving it into his back pocket. Turning back around, he took in San's aura, noticing how he seemed to lack more expression than normal.

"You look nice." San complimented, eyes obviously trailing up and down Wooyoung's body. He wore something that he thought would help him fit in, and especially fit into his role, so he looked a bit more put together than normal, but at the same time his white patterned shirt was quite revealing.

"Thanks." Wooyoung smiled for a second before dropping it. He stopped in his tracks again when San walked into the room instead of walking out. He was about to question it until San reached out to him, more specifically his shirt.

"But I'm jealous and don't want others seeing too much of your skin." San smirked as he said those words, eyes raising from Wooyoung's chest area to look into the hunters eyes. "So keep it closed. Please?"

Wooyoung scoffed, rolling his eyes and shaking his head. "Yeah, whatever. It doesn't mess with the look, so fine."

"Thank you." San said in a sing-song kind of way, leaning down to plant a quick kiss on Wooyoung's cheek.

The hunter grew a little red from the action, quickly snapping himself from his thoughts. He looked back over to the mirror one more time, taking in his appearance. It's been a while since his hair has been black, and it was actually kinda nice being a natural color again. As for the length, he was liking that he hadn't cut his hair when given the opportunity, never having had it this long before and liking the change.

Looking over at San, he had to admit he kinda missed him being blonde, granted he was more used to not seeing his full head blonde, now it just felt different with them essentially having the same hair color. But maybe in some way that was a good thing. Wooyoung hardly used the nickname he'd given San anymore, and it wouldn't make much sense to use now either. As of clothes, it definitely seemed like San had done something like this before, since he looked like he would fit right in in a fight club.

"Hello? Earth to Wooyoung?" San waved a hand in front of Wooyoung's face, trying to get his attention.

"Huh? What?" Wooyoung shook his head and slapped San's hand away from his face.

San chuckled. "Are my arms that hypnotizing?"

The vampire looked down at his bare arms, flexing them a little as if to tease Wooyoung. This made Wooyoung's ears red, and he needed a quick comeback.

"Yeah, actually they are." Wooyoung mentally face-palmed when he said that, not being the words he meant to say, and definitely not in the sassy manner he said them in. Damnit he's really making me lose my touch.

San let out a bigger laugh, eyes forming crescents.

"You know, I get jealous too." Wooyoung mocked and pouted at the same time, side eyeing the vampire. "You could also put on a jacket or something."

San smirked, reaching forward to pinch Wooyoung's cheeks and shake his head around, making strange cooing noises as he did that. Wooyoung wasn't amused, and that showed on his smooshed face.

"Alright, I'll grab a hoodie." San immediately stopped upon receiving a death glare, putting his hands up in mock surrender. "Just know it'll have to come off when we get there."

"Yeah whatever." Wooyoung rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest. "Don't be surprised if the shirt falls open then."

San and Wooyoung glared at each other, knowing they were being playful despite the serious atmosphere around them.

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