13: Injury

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"San, I'm really going to need you to back up. I can't work with you watching me like that."

The voice sounded familiar, but Wooyoung was still on the brink of being conscious and unconscious, so he couldn't entirely make out who exactly was speaking. Hearing San's name though in a civil manner at least reassured him that he was safe.

"I have backed up! How much more space do you need?" That voice was for sure San, and he seemed defensive for whatever reason.

"San, I can practically feel you breathing down the back of my neck. Please, Wooyoung will be okay, you don't need to watch my every move." It was the same voice as the first, pleading with his entire soul at this point.

"You should listen to Yeosang, he is the one treating him after all." A different voice, somewhat lighter but spoke sternly. They at least confirmed who the first voice was.

"Why the hell are you even in here? This doesn't pertain to you, especially with how you feel towards Wooyoung!" San snapped, sounding strained, voice cracking as he raised his voice.

"That's it. San, leave. Yeosang can't work like this and you aren't listening to us." A commanding voice spoke, yet didn't entirely sound intimidating.

"I'm not leaving unless if Jongho leaves." San huffed, voice louder as if he moved closer to Wooyoung.

"Jongho...." The commanding voice sighed, it clicked this was Hongjoong.

"Yeah I'll leave." Jongho almost chuckled, but restrained himself.

Footsteps bounced off the walls, then another pair moments later. A door opened and closed with a soft thud, trapping the room in a relieving silence.

"Thanks captain." Yeosang sighed in relief as the sound of shuffling was heard. Scissors cut something, snipping through the air, a few thuds, something tearing, and the rattling of some kind of content within a bottle.

"Sure." Hongjoong responded, voice much closer than it was previously.

"I don't even remember Yunho being like that towards Mingi." Yeosang kind of laughed to himself.

Wooyoung's eyes moved a little underneath his lids. It seemed he was startled by a force picking up his hand, warmer than his own. Then he felt a tightness begin to wrap around it, securing it in an odd feeling texture.

"Yeah, the two bonds are very different from what I've gathered." Hongjoong responded mellowly, a sigh following after. "Be careful with your words, I believe he's waking up."

Yeosang hummed right as a pressure pressed against Wooyoung's forehead. The hunter wished he could gain control of his body, open his eyes, do something. It felt tormenting that he was able to listen in this state, but not do anything to show he was in fact awake. At least, he thought he was awake.

"Oh? Has his heart sped up?" Yeosang asked hesitantly, as he spoke Wooyoung could feel that no one was looking at him anymore. Perhaps it meant the two vampires were looking to each other instead.

"Yes. Which reminds me, we never spoke about your condition." Hongjoong replied in a concerned manner, though his voice remained strong.

"I'd rather not if we're being listened to." Yeosang mumbled, the feeling of a gaze returning on Wooyoung's body.

"At least just answer this right now. Is it worse?" Hongjoong kept his words vague on purpose, understanding of the youngers situation.

"Yes." Yeosang breathed out, sounding defeated with that one word. "It scares me."

"Why don't you let us get you help then?" Hongjoong returned in a softer manner. Wooyoung could hear what sounded like patting, making him assume Hongjoong might've had a hand on Yeosang's shoulder or something.

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