15: The Past

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Things were not going well in the warehouse. The aura was completely wrong, and it was like a storm raged on and on only within the walls. Yet here Wooyoung was, sitting on the floor propping his leaders head on his good leg, unable to truly figure out what was going on. He could only rely on his gut feelings.

San had not returned, and it's been a while since he left. Wooyoung didn't know how long specifically, his phone was on the nightstand that was just a few paces away, but so far out of reach. Every once and a while he heard loud noises and distant voices, but he couldn't put names to sounds.

It's insane how things can go so wrong so fast.

Hongjoong flinched, his eyes moving underneath his lids. Wooyoung's attention was immediately brought to the older, who he watched with a concerned gaze. A few more moments and Hongjoong's eyes lazily opened, immediately meeting Wooyoung's.

"Hi." Wooyoung said quietly, not wanting to be too loud in case if the vampires hearing was strange.

"Hi?" Hongjoong responded questioningly, a bit too casual for someone that just passed out.

The vampire tried to sit up, but was stopped by Wooyoung's hand flying out and pressing against his chest.

"You should still lay down and recover a bit more." Wooyoung warned, seeing the tiredness in Hongjoong's eyes, a sense of fogginess to them as well.

Hongjoong sighed, body relaxing back into the floor.

"I sent blondie to go get help, but he hasn't returned yet, obviously." Wooyoung explained with a tight smile, trying to hide his worries behind other emotions. "I don't know about any of the others either. Figured you'd of wanted some kind of update, but I can't give one."

Humming, Hongjoong nodded his head a bit. His eyes trailed over Wooyoung's features, reading him while trying to properly wake up his mind. The hunter didn't entirely mind the nonstop looks in his direction, putting even more effort into putting on a strong face.

"What's with the hair dye?" Hongjoong cracked a smile, sitting up successfully this time. He stayed on the floor, turning to face Wooyoung while crossing his legs. His shoulder leaned against the doorframe for extra support.

Wooyoung waited to answer until the vampire was situated and he ensured he'd be okay.

"Blondie did it." Wooyoung rolled his eyes, smirking a bit to play off the lighter mood.

"Ah, so he did listen and make a distraction." Hongjoong sounded a bit sarcastic, giving the impression that that was the first time San actually listened to him.

"He was doing it before we even found your note." Wooyoung corrected, shaking his head as he leaned back onto his hands. "He was at it all day."

Hongjoong then smirked, letting out what sounded like a sigh of relief.

"He took my bait." Hongjoong admitted, eyes casting downwards. "Early this morning when he was getting a blood bag, which I assumed was your doing, I suggested the idea. I even got out all my professional colors and things for him to use. I'm glad that's been keeping all of you busy."

Wooyoung couldn't help but chuckle, of course Hongjoong was behind that. He had it all planned out.

"Sneaky." Wooyoung commented, looking at the older with narrowed eyes.

Hongjoong shrugged his shoulders, evidence of a cocky look emerging before leaving quickly after.

"I'm sure San is busy helping the others, or holding Yunho down. Something along the lines of that." Hongjoong said, looking over his shoulder down the hallway. "My ears are still ringing, so I can't really listen in downstairs."

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