17: Count On Me

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"So to put it simply, there was a gunfight, that turned into the enemy throwing a grenade at us. Being in such close proximity led to debris causing our injuries, and damaging our ears even with our ear protection." Hongjoong summed up his detailed story of what happened at Sector 1 with those few sentences, knowing he lost some of the others by the looks on their faces. "We're lucky it didn't turn out worse. And with all the ruckus from the explosion, we managed to get an easy escape."

"Not only that but we also had to use a lot of our vampiric energy to not only escape, but also lift a huge piece of debris that landed on Mingi." Yeosang added with a distasteful look, lowering his gaze to keep himself from looking at Yunho. "That's why we were so exhausted returning here. There was no way we had time to get blood, not like we had the strength left anyways."

The entire crew was sitting or standing around various areas in the main part of the warehouse, taking in the information that was shared. Yunho and Mingi were sitting impossibly close to one another on one couch, the older with a protective, but gentle, arm around Mingi, who looked the worse out of the team that went to Sector 1. Hongjoong, Seonghwa, and Yeosang sat on floor cushions around the coffee table, in that order, with Seonghwa sitting at the corner spot. Jongho was close by, leaning against the wall, mainly because he was watching out for everyone, making sure if someone reacted harshly to anything he'd be the first to notice it and react. While Wooyoung and San took the other couch, sitting close, but definitely not as close as the other bonded pair.

"Yeah...it really sounds like you were all lucky to get out." Seonghwa sighed, looking between the three with saddened eyes.

"The fucking nerve of hunters to use an explosive within an enclosed, underground area. They could've hurt so many other people other than you guys. Doesn't that go against everything they stand for?" Yunho's jaw was clenched tight, eyes glaring daggers into the area before him, not at anyone specifically. "They're getting so reckless."

Wooyoung had things to say, but kept his comments to himself. They wouldn't help anyone. But he had to agree, he hated how reckless his own kind seemed to he getting.

No...I'm a hunter by nature, not by heart. I need to stop comparing myself to those blood hungry demons.

Heh, funny I say that about hunters while surrounded by vampires.

"Hey...calm down." Mingi muttered, reaching up to hold the hand Yunho had draped over his shoulder. He moved his other hand to the olders leg, patting and rubbing it reassuringly.

It was clear the anger seemed to just seep out of Yunho. The affect Mingi had on him was astounding.

"Well with that all being said—"

"Wait, Hongjoong, what did you even retrieve from this mission?" San spoke up, done spacing out by the looks of it. Wooyoung was surprised the vampire didn't fall asleep while listening to Hongjoong tell the story.

The leader motioned his hand towards the dark corner, where on a new shelf the model pirate ship was on display. By the looks on most of the others faces, this was their first time noticing the figure.

"What is it?"Jongho questioned, kicking himself off the wall to sit beside his leader, only his back rested against the bottom of the couch near Mingi's legs.

Wooyoung and Seonghwa shared a brief look that went unnoticed by everyone else. Their gazes went to Hongjoong at the same time, awaiting his answer.

"The next clue to my puzzle." Hongjoong answered solemnly, nodding his head a few times as if he was lost in thought. "I'm sure there's a significance to some of the choices made in its design, I just need time to analyze it. But that leads me to my next point, unless if anyone has any questions."

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