Slipping Through Our Fingers

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I am two in one,
or am I one split in two?



I felt numb as I held out my hand for Kyra to shake. "Euphoria." I mumbled, what she probably didn't even hear given the fact, that it was so loud in here. "I've met your sister, Leal, once. Is she here too?" Kyra asked completely oblivious to the fact, that first Leal wasn't alive anymore and second my heart got ripped out thirty seconds ago.

I forced myself to smile. She didn't deserve to feel like I didn't like her. She was probably a really nice girl. "No, she...passed." Naz said as if Leal had gone to sleep and never awoke. "Oh, I'm sorry." She sounded genuinely sorry for us. Her eyes showed pity and sorrow and I couldn't bear looking at her expression. This was a shitty situation.

But however I felt, my feet stayed rooted to the floor. "She had a good life." Naz says and it pains me. Because she hadn't had a good life. Leal had maybe three years, who remotely felt like they were good. But everything before that was shitty. Kamino was a horrible memory and Naz made it seem like Leal had had a long life with joy and happiness.

"Can we leave?" I blurt out trying to change the subject. Naz nods seemingly catching on to my uncomfortable silence during that whole conversation. "I can't, my shift has already started." Kyra said and I sigh. "Meet us in these coordinates then. Believe me, you won't regret it." Naz slid a tracker over the table.

She nodded and took it. We said our goodbye and Naz and I left. Drift waited for us like Stone had promised outside, he intercepted us on our way and seemed relieved, that I was alright, as alright as I could be after this night.

"Why don't you find Commander Stone, Drift. Euphoria and I will manage to get back on our own." Drift hesitated before he shook his head. "I should stay here. I'm your escort and you need the protection." He said sternly and Naz linked arms with me. "Don't tell me we are getting protected by someone, who -a few years ago- was still in diapers." She grins and my lips twitch, but I know how hard Drift has worked and endured Stone's training. He may be a little young to be a soldier, but he was proud of being the only child Stone liked.

Drift was good. He was quick on his feet, cautious and a little distrusting of every corner we had to cross. We managed to get a head start, before Stone appeared on our rear letting Drift lead the front. He almost beamed as his brother nodded for him to continue and I noticed how proud Stone was of him.

They got us to Rex's hideout in the lower levels safely and I watched how Drift beamed up to Stone, who laid a hand on his shoulder saying something, that made Drift puff his chest in pride. My heart almost swelled over as I watched them. And then I remembered what Stone had said about Drift.

'They had a kid together', that were his words. I wasn't really worried about having children. I knew one day I wanted them, but I was barely functioning on my own right now. But seeing Stone with Drift, ovaries wanted to jump him.

Drift beamed at Stone and hurried to run inside and now I was alone with him again. Naz had wandered off and there was silence between us. I don't want to say that it was awkward but it probably was. I could feel his eyes on me, but I couldn't look at him. I was too conflicted.

"There you are! I was already starting to get worried." Kane stepped out a smile on his face and a sarcastic expression in his voice. "Of course not of you, Mylady!" He bowed down and gave me a wink. I snorted at that, but he managed to get a small smile out of me.

Stone stayed remarkably quiet. "Especially not if you look like this." Kane gave me a charming smile raking his eyes over my body. My cheeks blushed, but there was this nagging feeling in my gut, that made me ask myself, if Stone found that to be true as well.

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