Hate Me, Princess!

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You should have seen them.
Walking around, pretending there was just friendship between them, when all they had done, was being in love with each other from the moment they had met.



His hand suddenly wrapped around my throat. Was I suprised...yes! Scared? Definitely not. I don't even no why, but that look in his eyes...the pain in him...I knew it. I had felt it for the most part of the past year, just as much as he had.

War didn't know though. He yelled and raised his blaster at Stone as well as Alema pulled her lightsaber. And suddenly the living room got really crowded. People yelled around us, while Drift tried to do damage control. But all that didn't matter, because Stone and I were in a bubble. Stone's grip tightened, but it was still too light to do me any harm. In fact he barely touched me at all. His thumb skimmed over my jaw and his eyes darkened. But other than that, he remained totally calm.

"I killed for a living, Princess. I'm a murderer. I could snap your neck in seconds before pretty boy over there could save you." Stone's words -funny enough- did nothing to me. Because I knew Stone portrayed himself in far worse ways than he actually was. Surely he had done unspeakable things...bad things. But he had the gentlest soul, if he'd let you in. And I was determined to get him to let me in again. Just like Drift had told me to. I had to be patient and I had all the time in the world.

"Then do it." I taunt knowing him so well. Even a year apart from each other and I still knew, that that sudden scrunch between his brows told me, that he wouldn't. "Let her go!" Someone yells and Stone obliges. He growls as five of War's men grab him and pull him out. "Are you alright?" War is immediately at my side touching my shoulder and trying to get a look at my neck. "Yes, where are you taking him?" I push past Alema and Drift and an upset Naz, who sputters about something that sounds much like 'told you so', while I watch as they cuff Stone.

"Let him go! He didn't harm me." I insist, but nobody seems to listen. "Stay back!" War hisses at me and Alema, who equally wants to get a hold of the situation. Stone is calm. His eyes focused on War and the situation, but the muscles in his jaw are ticking and then his eyes land back on me and I can already tell what he says without opening his mouth. 'Listen to pretty boy!'

"Euphoria!" Rex calls out as I run over and push past War, who looks irritated and a lot more agitated as Stone manages to free himself for a split second. "Let him go! He is harmless." The whole small village of clones freezes.

Every clone stares at me in disbelief. Partly because they have seen what he had done to me seconds ago and to the door, injured or not everyone knew he was more than capable of fighting. "Harmless?" War suddenly scoffs and I press my lips together. "He nearly choked you to death. That was not harmless!"

War let his fingers run through his blonde hair in nervousness, as I still stood between him and Stone. War's men held Stone still down nonetheless and I knew, if War gave the signal they'd listen to him, not me. So I had to convince War to let Stone go. "Want me to do the same to you, pretty boy?" Apparently Stone had other ideas.

"Shut up!" I snapped at him and Stone scoffed. His hands were cuffed, but something in his eyes told me, that he wouldn't be in that position for long. "War, listen to Euphoria! You do not know, who that is!" Drift now said and War scoffed. "I do not care what trooper you found on Kamino or wherever you got him from. He is a danger to this operation. And you brought him here!"

"You are not just any trooper, are you?" Alema suddenly stepped next to War eyeing Stone over. Her eyes then scanned Stone's appearance. His body was clad in nothing else than the black shirt and trousers everyone else wore underneath their armor, but still she seemed to understand, who he was. "No!" Stone growled, his eyes trained on her now.

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