Force 101

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We had a saying between us sisters.
It's not a goodbye, it's just a see you later.
The last time I saw each of my sisters, was when they left Coruscant.
Nobody had said it then.

Is this goodbye?


I awoke in the middle of the night. The sun was gone, the waves had calmed down and Hayim slept peacefully next to me. I checked up on him, only to feel the pain in my shoulder, as I had gotten shot, what made me squirm and wince. Hayim was gladly warm and he didn't seem to show any signs of repercussions from our earlier dip in the water.

However I was freezing cold and my brain seemed to explode. I knew I was getting sick. My throat was already dry and swallowing was hard as was my nose constantly tingling. The sand underneath me gave away under the pressure of my body as I sat up and took Hayim back in my arms.

He needed a bacta shot too, if I wanted to make sure, that he wouldn't get sick and while I dragged myself over the sand to find back to our ship somehow Hayim slowly opened his eyes. He fussed as he saw me and I for once let him complain. My hip hurt as I climbed up a few in stone carved stairs as was my back. The stones in the water must have hurt me more than I wanted to admit.

The closer we got to the ship the less motivation or strength I felt in my body and once we reached the hidden ship I broke down again. Dark spots danced on my vision as I sat on the staircase into the ship and saw the rest of the remains of the Jedi temple. They had burned it to the ground and not a single stone remained on top of the other. The only thing left was the big mighty stone I had sat Hayim down on earlier and even this stone was destroyed. No one would know what had stood here before. The memory of the Jedi would vanish in time just like these stones.

I had to sneeze as the smoke of the few flames that traveled through the sky made it to my nose and I coughed shortly after. I felt hot again and sweat dripped down my forehead as I feverishly searched through the sparse medical supplies. I gave Hayim his shot under much complaining and crying and then I got him out of the still wet cloths and into new warm ones. I did the same with me. Hayim sneezed and cried further and I hoped he wouldn't develop the kind of fever I was going to have. As soon as everything was in place I warmed the ship through the AC system and put the remaining woolen blanekts I could find around us. And then I fell asleep, too tired to do anything else. And with the sound of an old lullaby I drifted off into the past.


"You are hard to reach." Someone said in the darkness of the room and I turned around to see, who was speaking. "Who are you?" I asked, but my throat was still dried up and it was more like a whisper and very much croaked then really normal speech. "Your sister was easier to reach." Again I turned and then I saw Drift standing there. He was pale and looked through his tired eyes straight through me. His lips moved, but no sound came out of him.

"What is this?" I muttered as I reached out to him and tried touching him, but my hand went straight through him. "What do you think it is?" The voice was back and I turned around, but there was just darkness and nothing there. But suddenly pain shot through my shoulder and I screamed. It was almost as painful as the shot I had received earlier. My body slumped down and white dots danced on my vision until there was this voice again mumbling things I couldn't understand.

But then the voice vanished as quickly as it came. And then I fell. It at least felt like falling as the wind rushed past me and I couldn't see nor hear what happened. I pressed my eyes shut, hoping it would eventually stop.

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