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Wednesday morning was spent with Kayla rushing around the office like she never had before, actioning things and ensuring everything was kept on top of. She was extremely nervous to go to Paris but Johnny had constantly reassured her that there was no expectations other than to spend a little time together. It got close to midday when there was a knock on her office door. She groaned as she looked up from the press releases she was proof reading and smiled before standing quickly greeting Stephen. "I didn't expect you in today.." she said sweetly. "I just dropped by to wish everyone a Happy New Year. You look a little flustered, can I help with anything?" "Oh no, thank you! It's all under control." Kayla said a little giddily. "Ok... well not to add to your stresses, but a car just arrived for you." "A car?!" She asked confused. "Yes those vehicles with four wheels. It's outside the building, the driver is waiting." "I didn't order a car? I have to go home first and then make my way to St Pancras." Stephen smirked. "And you thought he would let you take the tube for that did you?" Kayla bit her lip, of course Stephen knew Johnny's plan, they were best friends. She smiled sweetly. "He's too kind." "That he is... now go have fun. Don't work too hard." Stephen said with a wink as Kayla grabbed the papers and returned them to their files before donning her coat and grabbing her bag and the files and leaving the office, heading towards the elevators.

Leaving the office building she spotted the luxury branded car with blacked out windows and a suited driver waiting patiently. He approached instantly which threw her slightly. "Miss Stagg?" He asked politely and she nodded. "That's me." She said with a smile. "I've been instructed to be of assistance for the rest of the afternoon. Where to first?" Kayla jumped in the rear of the car, and gave her address. The driver who was an older chap introduced himself as Doug and they began light conversation as he entered the London traffic heading to her home.

A few hours later as she boarded the train to Paris she pulled her phone out her bag.

I didn't expect VIP treatment, but thank you. Xx

Stop thanking me. It's a pleasure xx

Well how else am I meant to show my appreciation? Xx

I can think of a few ways... now hurry to Paris. Xx

Pulling into the Gare du Nord, Kayla grabbed her luggage and climbed down onto the platform heading to the nearby exit. As she wandered through the station she felt eyes on her, she slowly turned to see a man following her. She stopped and pulled her large handbag onto her shoulder before beginning her journey once more before the man approached. "Kayla Stagg.." Travis asked nervously. "Yes?" She replied curiously. "Oh thank god.. I've been studying a photo of you all day and then every woman who got off the train seemed to look like you. Thank fuck...." Kayla still confused stared at the beefy man. "I'm Travis. Travis McGivern? Johnny's security.." "Oh god yes of course, sorry I didn't recognise you." Kayla said with a smile. "The boss man would have come himself but it would cause some ripples if you know what I mean, anyway can I help with this?" He asked gesturing to her large case. "We have a car waiting." "Of course we do." Kayla muttered to herself giggling.

Driving through the city, Travis turned to the woman and said "So you've been before?" "Yes a few times, not for a while though, it's so beautiful." "Yes it is.. we spend a lot of time here. He's fluent you know, if anything I think he's got European in him. He suits this life." Kayla nodded not having to ask who the HE was. "Sir, we are 5 minutes away." The driver said looking at Travis in the rear view mirror, who responded with a nod. "Well not long now.." he smirked at the woman.

Pulling up in a fine area of Paris, Kayla's jaw dropped, the architecture, and the ambiance were extremely chic. She slowly climbed out the car as Travis grabbed her case from the trunk, and rushed it up the few steps to the front door before allowing himself entry. Kayla slowly followed behind carrying her handbag as she pushed her sunglasses up on her head before entering the house. It was truly stunning.. she couldn't help but spin on the spot as she heard footsteps coming down the large staircase. "Hi!!!" Johnny said enthusiastically as Travis made himself scarce. "Hi!" Kayla giggled nervously. "Bienvenue tu Paris!" "Merci Beaucoup! C'est beaut!" Kayla smiled hoping her pronunciation was correct.

A few hours after settling in, Johnny had explained the French people were very calm and often left him to his own devices. Tabloids weren't as important or listened to in this country, and therefore he often could do very normal things, he nearly always had Sean, Malcolm or Travis present but other than that, it worked well for him. She agreed to freshen up, and he was going to organise a fun first evening for them in the city. She couldn't help but feel slightly embarrassed when he carried her case up to his master bedroom without comment before asking her if that was ok. She nodded before opening the case and grabbing what she needed to. "I'll be downstairs if you need me, and good to go whenever you are." He said kissing her passionately before retreating.

A few hours later, they had bundled up and wandered for miles, Kayla was more than happy just to take in the sights and sounds of the city which made Johnny smile, she didn't care for big elaborate gestures. They stopped at various wine bars Johnny knew, and eventually found a quiet little independent restaurant for the most delicious dinner Kayla had ever tasted. Opting to wander back towards Johnny's home via the most famous sight, they stopped and lingered like tourists for a while.

"Just one more!!" Johnny said chuckling as he snapped another photo on his phone. Kayla giggled "Surely the tower is beautiful enough as a subject as opposed to me stuck in front of it?" Kayla laughed. Sean and Travis were off to the side leaving the pair to it. "No, it's a beautiful sight." Johnny said holding up his phone. "A new favourite of mine." Kayla bashfully tucked her hair behind her ear.

"This has got to be one of the best work trips I've ever been on

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"This has got to be one of the best work trips I've ever been on." She joked as she jumped down off the wall and they began walking again. Johnny had begun lighting one of his trademark cigarettes. "Well this is just the start...." He smirked. "Why do I feel like you have so many surprises up your sleeve?" "You can't possibly know that. We've only known each other a month." Johnny feigned shock. "Well, do you?" She asked gesturing to the tower twinkling. Johnny had known the exact time it would look it's most spectacular with the stars and lights. "Maybe. That's for me to know and you to find out." He said wrapping an arm around her and pulling her close.

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