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A good few hours later, Kayla had unpacked her overnight bag, arranged the pretty flowers into a large vase that now sat on her coffee table and had managed to sneak out to the nearby Christmas tree seller and choose a tree that had been delivered only minutes prior. It stood in the centre of the bay window in its stand, completely bare but looked like it had potential to be her best one yet. In the 5 years she had lived in the house she had admired her Christmas tree in the window every day it was there, and knew this year would be no different.

She wandered into the kitchen area and filled the kettle with water. She was an English girl through and through and although she loved her coffee, nothing could beat a cup of English breakfast tea on a colder day. She had been up in the attic and got down the various Christmas decorations too, including her festive mugs which she had always loved.

Meanwhile, Johnny was in his leased London home, changing out of various outfits. Huffing and puffing. He had no idea why he had agreed to go and decorate a woman's Christmas tree that he only met the night prior, but it felt right. The issue was, what would one wear to a date like that? Was it a date? He assumed it was? But maybe it was two people who didn't have anything better to do just hanging out? God he hated the idea of being this useless at dating and romance. Especially after his many relationships. Why couldn't things be as easy as when he had fallen for Vanessa?

After donning many different varieties of clothes he spotted the time and knew he was running late, typically late for him. Eventually he declared himself ready and headed downstairs, grabbing some of his favourite wine from the kitchen, he instructed Sean and Travis to return to Kayla's house.

After a short journey, he arrived and profusely apologised as she let him into her home. She giggled knowing he had a reputation for always being late and said "Don't worry. There really was no rush!" She took his jacket and hung it up on the coat stand before showing him into the living area that was open plan and led to the kitchen area. He immediately spotted the tree taking pride of place in the centre of the window. "You picked a great one." He said stood in the doorway before noticing the cream carpet and immediately attempting to kick his boots off. "Oh please don't worry." She said with a smile. He noticed she had cute fluffy socks on and opted to still take his boots off to be polite.

A short while later, Kayla was sat on the floor of her living room surrounded by the tree lights. She was untangling them as Johnny sat on her couch holding the other end with the plug. "I don't know how they got this messy." She giggled. "It's always the way doll. Every year.." she smiled and looked up at him as he was concentrating hard untangling his section. "Johnny.." "yes love?" "Not that I'm not enjoying this, but are you sure you're ok doing this lame shit?" She giggled. "Can I be honest?" He said stopping what he was doing and looking at her sincerely. She swallowed nervously. "Of course." She said smiling but secretly her heart was racing. "I love this kind of stuff.. it's so normal. I hate it when people treat me like a big thing you know? So this is probably the nicest thing we could be doing." Kayla smiled and bit her lip. "That's good then." He nodded before handing her the untangled section. "Let's get these lights on."

A good few hours later, Kayla had finished decorating the tree with Johnny's assistance, he had been most helpful, baring in mind she usually did this kind of thing herself. She was about to put the star on the top but failed to reach and chuckled at herself for even attempting. She turned around and dragged the large footstall over to the edge of the tree and jumped up. Johnny was a few steps away but immediately lent in to offer his hand. She smiled at how gentlemanly he was before kindly accepting and leaning up on her tip toes to place the star before turning and jumping down. "Well that's a hell of a tree." Johnny smirked before Kayla smiled and thanked him. "Thank you for your help too.." "my pleasure treasure." She blushed and bit her lip before pushing the foot stall back to its place. "How about we get that fire going, and open that red I bought? Really make it a scenic festive atmosphere." Kayla nodded and attempted to kneel at the fire before Johnny joined her and grabbed her hand. "Allow me.... I am man, I make big fire." He said in a very Captain Jack like voice making her smirk before she stood and headed into the kitchen area to grab the bottle of red and two glasses.

She returned to the living area and Johnny immediately stood from the couch. She couldn't get over how chivalrous this man was, it helped he was remarkably good looking and sauve too. She handed him a glass of wine and sat beside him, and he slowly lowered back onto the couch. "Here's to you, thank you." She said with a smile and clinked her glass with him before taking a sip. He raised his glass speechless before taking a sip. "Wow you weren't lying, that is good." She said licking her lips. "It's one of my favourites." He said before placing it on the coffee table beside him. "So have we completed all your traditions?" He asked with a genuine concern. "Tree is done, the fire is lit, the wreath is on the door, I'd say so." She said proudly. "You're cute." "Am I?" She said biting her lip. "Yes.. it's remarkably refreshing to see how normal one can be." "Well I don't know if I'm that normal, but every second Saturday in December, me and my parents would do all the Christmas decorations together, my Mum and I would bake cookies, and then we would watch a Christmas film in the evening." Johnny nodded before rubbing his chin. "That sounds very sweet. Do your folks live far?" "Oh umm, they are in Australia." "Australia?" Johnny said shocked. "Yeah, they retired from work in Spring, they are travelling the world, they were due home for Christmas but they met up with some old buds of theirs and well who was I to say no so they'll be back in March." "Wow.. that's insane. Actually travelling the world?" "They left in September. They've only been to the far east so far." Kayla said smiling. "And so you'll be with your sister... brothers? For Christmas?" Johnny asked sipping some more wine. "I don't have any siblings.. unlike you, I know you're one of four." "So you're an only child?" "Unfortunately." Kayla giggled. "Hey don't knock it. I'm the age I am, and my siblings still annoy me." Johnny smirked.

They finished the bottle of wine without even realising, and it was soon well into the evening. "God how rude of me, I've had you in the house this long and I've not even offered you dinner. You must be ravenous." Kayla said jumping up and immediately heading into the kitchen. Johnny slowly followed. "Don't be silly we've been busy. I can always get the guys to go get us something." "Oh no, it's ok, I can cook. Does pasta sound ok?" Johnny smiled. "Pasta sounds great.. is there anything I can do to help?" "No it's good. Make yourself comfortable." She gestured back to the couch but he slipped onto a bar stall on the island and pushed her glass towards her.

Twenty minutes later the pair were laughing at an elaborate story Johnny was telling about his late friend Shane MacGowan. "He actually called you a fucking pimp?" Kayla said covering her mouth whilst she laughed as she stirred the sauce she had created for the pasta. "He did indeed. I didn't expect those to be the first fucking words he said after I paid my respects you know?" She smiled and giggled before composing herself. Johnny stood after rolling a cigarette and headed towards the French doors. "Is it ok if I?" "Oh, you can smoke in here if you want?" She said nervously. "No don't be silly, this is your home, and if I have that sort of freedom I'll be chain smoking all the time." She smiled before nodding and he let himself out.

A few minutes later he returned complaining about the cold London weather before locking the door, and checking it was secure. He turned round to see her setting table places at the island. "I thought we would eat here if that's ok? I can set the dining table if you want but it's through there and it's dark and cold." She smirked gesturing to the back of the house. "This is good." He said standing waiting for her to finish her place settings and serving.

" He said standing waiting for her to finish her place settings and serving

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