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"I, umm, I should.." "You don't have to.." "go." They both said the last word in unison. Kayla's eyes widened at her own admission. How forward could she be? Johnny looked down at the ground before licking his bottom lip. "You mean it?" He asked raising an eyebrow. "About you not having to go? Yeah.." Kayla replied quietly confident. "Ok." Johnny said before opening the front door and waving the guys off once again. He closed the door rather quickly to avoid letting the cold air in and it made it all feel fairly final like there was no going back. He turned and slowly approached Kayla tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "I'm sorry for kissing you." She blurted out and immediately closed her eyes in shame and embarrassment. "Doll... that was hardly a kiss." He smirked before leaning in and capturing her lips with his own. She immediately responded as his hands cupped her face, their tongues entwining, before invading one another's mouths. After a few moments the need to breathe became too much and they pulled back panting before she bit her lip and broke into a nervous giggle. Johnny immediately chuckled at how sweet the woman was. Her eyes roamed around before eventually landing on the stairs and Johnny took that as his cue. "We can umm go some place more comfortable if you'd like." He said politely, before his hands slid down her arms and rested on her hips. She opened her mouth and eventually found the words "I'd like that." He smirked and pouted before he grabbed her hand and led her to the bottom of the stairs, at which point she turned. "I'm not very good at this.." "This being?" "Hooking up." She replied simply. "Have you ever hooked up with yourself then?" Johnny said trying to make her laugh. "No... but guys have mentioned it in the past." "Mentioned it?" "Yeah.. I'm not what guys like." Johnny's eyes widened. "I'm sure you're just perfect at it doll." "Johnny, a girl doesn't forget that kinda comment." "Well I'll be the judge and I assure you, you're already better at it than you think." He said as she slowly turned and led him upstairs with a sway in her hips as she looked over her shoulder coyly. "See, you're already killing me." He groaned as they made their way up the stairs to the master bedroom.

Kayla snuggled further into her pillow, annoyed to be woken up by the daylight flooding into her bedroom. How had she forgotten to shut the curtains last night? She attempted to roll over but a toned tattooed arm was draped across her middle and the gentle snores of Johnny Depp filled her right ear as she slowly woke up and remembered the actions of last night. Sitting bolt up right against the headboard she sighed, holding the sheets to her naked body and safely tucking them under her arms as Johnny groaned and slowly woke up. "Woah, good morning" he said sleepily as he pushed his hair out his face and looked up at her from his pillow. "God you're even cuter in the morning." She said closing her eyes. "I'm, sorry?" He said apologising for something he didn't feel he could be responsible for. She groaned once more before he took her hand in his. "What's up?" He asked concerned. "I slept with my boss!" She complained throwing her head back against her pillows and attempting to hide under her luxury bedding. "Technically you'll wanna get the facts right when you write about it in your diary... that was some of my best work. I'm not your boss. Stephen is, and I'm his boss. But more best pal" Johnny smirked pulling the sheets off her face. He began leaning out the bed attempting to reach his jeans and retrieve his cigarette tin. "Ok... so I slept with my boss' boss." "Right now you're hiding from him." "God you must think I'm a right slut. Putting out without even knowing you for more than a day." "And what does that make me? Some man whore?" Johnny chuckled. "You're allowed.. you're the sexiest man in Hollywood remember?" "Oh and just for the record the men you've previously slept with obviously have no idea what amazing is.." Kayla's eyebrows furrowed. "You're sensational at seduction Miss Stagg." Johnny said leaning down and kissing her lips. "Need I remind you?" He asked her with a wink before she kissed him back and pulled him on top of her petite body.

"I umm, I obviously won't mention this to anyone, and I swear we can just go back to being professional colleagues." Kayla said handing Johnny a mug of coffee in a festive cup. "Maybe I don't want to be professional with you?" He smirked before taking a sip. "Maybe I want to do it all again." He added. "Seriously?" Kayla asked as Johnny wandered round the island and stood in front of her. She had his tee on and not much else, it finished mid thigh, he was wandering round in his boxers and jeans that were undone with nothing covering his torso making it hard for her to concentrate on anything. "Just say, I did want to see you again. Would that be so bad?" He asked tucking a stray hair behind her ear as she looked up at him. "Would you be open to that?" "Like a date?" She asked, and Johnny sensed her anxiety, and concern so for now just agreed. "Yeah, no strings. Just a date." "I'm pretty sure I could get on board with that." She said with a smile making him beam.

Later that morning, Johnny had finally got hold of his team to come and collect him. They had both dressed and were sat on the couch sipping the last of their coffee. "So I'll call you?" Johnny said before Kayla nodded and handed him her phone. "Put your number in and I'll call you, then you'll have my number too." He did just that before they heard a car horn. "I better get going... thank you for a wonderful time." He said with a wink. "Thank you.." she replied standing and showing him to the door. "Laters doll" he kissed her briefly on the lips before descending the steps down to the sidewalk and jumping in the suv. Kayla quickly shut the front door and leant up against it before giggling to herself. What a weekend.

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