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Kayla woke up in the luxurious hotel room feeling slightly jaded after her unexpected late night but rolled over in the comforting bed sheets and reminisced about her evening. She was happy that she had met the owner of the company, Johnny Depp, he was everything she had read about. Charming, friendly, kind, humorous, and just an all round lovely gentleman.

After showering and donning the hotel robe, she padded barefoot out the bathroom and plonked herself on the bed catching up on her phone the various messages she had missed the night prior. Her hair was still damp from the shower and she was make up free but still radiant despite her late night antics at the party. A knock on the door startled her, so she slowly approached, checking the peephole first and spotting a hotel worker behind a rather large elaborate bouquet of flowers. Her eyebrows furrowed, evidently he had the wrong room but she felt bad watching him struggle with the large flowers so opened the door anyway. "Sorry, can I help you?" She asked kindly. "Miss Stagg?" He asked from behind the flowers which made her chuckle softly to herself. "Yes, that's me. I think you may have the wrong room though." "No, these are for you. There's a card somewhere." He handed them to her before swiftly making his way back towards the elevator. Kayla gasped, surely not?

Reentering her hotel room and shutting the door, she placed the flowers down and reached for the envelope.

Thank you for an exquisite evening, your company was sublime

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Thank you for an exquisite evening, your company was sublime. Merry Christmas to you and yours - JD X

Kayla's eyes widened. She had no idea why he would send flowers, let alone how he knew what room she was in, but then again the company had allocated the rooms so perhaps he could have found out quite easily. He was charming, she thought to herself but she knew she couldn't get involved. He wouldn't be interested in her, and besides she was looking for a serious committed relationship, not just fun sex. That was for your twenties. She didn't even have his number to text and thank him, instead opting to just admire the bouquet and begin packing to head home.

An hour or so later, at the reception desk, Kayla was balancing her large handbag, alongside the bouquet of flowers and her wheelie cabin bag whilst attempting to check out. "And if you could just sign here Miss Stagg, was everything ok with your stay?" "Lovely thank you." Kayla said quickly scribbling on the paper where indicated. "May we arrange transportation for you?" The kind man behind the desk ask. "No need.." she heard a familiar voice say as she span on the spot. "I can give you a ride." Johnny said with a friendly smile as his team did what they needed to do in order to check out. "Nice flowers." He winked making her smile. "Nice? They are beautiful." She corrected him. "Thank you. There really was no need." "Nonsense. A pretty girl deserves pretty flowers. Besides I wanted to thank you for your company. It's been a while since I felt so myself with somebody I just met." Kayla smiled. "I umm really should get going." "Hey, I offered you a lift. I'm a man of my word. Your carriage awaits." "Johnny, honestly I can grab an Uber." "Oh please come on.." he said attempting to take her wheelie bag from her hand kindly.

After getting settled in the car and providing her address to the driver, they began making small talk. "So, do you have plans for the rest of the weekend?" "Umm kinda... although they are fairly lame." "Nothing wrong with lame as long as you enjoy it doll. Do you mind if I?!" He asked gesturing to the cigarette in his hand. She immediately shook her head "No, please." "What are your plans?" She asked kindly. "Nothing much, Stephen and Gina have a family thing. They've invited me to it but to be honest I think I've done enough socialising. I'm just planning to hang out." "Nice.. are you in London until Christmas?" Kayla asked before saying "Sorry, classic me, always being nosey." "Not at all.." he said with a chuckle blowing smoke out the sightly open window. "I am planning to be. I'll head to Paris around the 20th, spending Christmas there with my kids." "That sounds lovely. I've always loved Paris in the Winter. It's even more chic." "You go a lot?" "When I can. It's one of my favourite cities." "It's a beautiful place." "Umm, Kayla, you said you had plans, is that for the whole weekend? Are you free tomorrow?" "Free?" "Yeahh.." Johnny said nervously and quietly remembering his staff were in the front of the vehicle. "If there's work you need me to do, I'm free today, I'm only doing lame Christmas traditions by myself, they can be pushed back." Kayla said anxiously. "Oh no, it's not work related. I just wondered if you would like to hang. Out, with me?" "Oh wow, umm sure. That would be lovely." Kayla said looking at him sweetly. "Thank you." She added "But hey, look you said you've got Christmas traditions and I don't want to get in the way." "Oh please.. it's just decorating the tree and some other things I've done since I was a little girl." She said blushing embarrassed. "Well now I feel really bad, you should do that." Johnny said rubbing his chin. "Unless you want some company?" "Company?" Kayla turned and asked. "You know, it's been a long time since I was able to do anything normal... and you're so tiny you might need help with the lights and stuff." Johnny said smirking. "I'm not that small..." Kayla giggled before adding. "That would be nice.. if you don't mind a lame second Saturday in December?" "Doll, its been a long time since I could just hang with somebody as nice as you, and it doesn't sound lame at all." Kayla smiled bashfully before directing the driver into her road and informing him where her house was.

Kayla jumped out the car, as Johnny wandered round the back, where Travis was unloading the trunk with Kayla's processions. "I umm have a few things to sort, and I'm sure you wanna get settled and stuff, so shall I come back around 3?!" Johnny said. "Sure that works. Thanks for the ride." "No sweat doll." Johnny smiled and this time he leant in and kissed her cheek before she yanked her case up to her front door. She pulled her keys out her large handbag and turned to wave at the Hollywood icon.

He waved and tipped his fedora before climbing back in the car, and she watched as he drove away

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He waved and tipped his fedora before climbing back in the car, and she watched as he drove away. Silently panicking inside. What had she just agreed to do with him later that day? Decorate her Christmas tree? What on earth was she thinking?

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