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The audience erupts into cheers and wild applause as the Victor stands, wiping their opponent's blood off of their hands.

Treech looks down at the unmoving body of Lucy Gray Baird. He turns ash white and faints, collapsing by her side again.

"Oh dear," says Lucky. "That's not normal. I'm sure he'll be alright. A big congratulations to both Treech and his mentor, Venus Abernathy."

The first thing I do is burst into tears. They're mostly of happiness, but quite a few have been building up after five days of holding them in. It's hard to figure out what I'm feeling right now. Twenty-three tributes and four mentors died for me to get here. The amount of death I've seen and even experienced firsthand is almost too much to handle. But I made it through. Treech made it through. Treech. I get to see Treech again.

Some of my stronger classmates lift my chair, parading me around the room. I laugh, gripping the seat as hard as I can to keep from tumbling off of it.

Of course, the first person to congratulate me is Festus. He pulls me into a tight hug, lifting me off the ground. I don't know who initiates it, but the next second my lips are on his, or maybe his are on mine.

"That was-" says Festus after we pull away.

"Weird," I finish.

"Agreed. Never again."

Persephone jumps into my arms.

"I knew he could do it!" she cries. "I'm so proud of both of you!"

"You deserve it, V," agrees Festus, laying a hand on Persephone's back. "Now go get your interview."

I leave them behind, Festus profusely apologizing to Persephone about kissing me. She doesn't sound mad, making fun of him for finally having the courage to kiss his 'girlfriend.' I walk over to Lepidus, who pulls me aside so I can talk to the cameras.

"First of all, congratulations, Venus. You should be incredibly proud," says Lepidus.

"I am," I say politely.

"Now for the question we've all been waiting for. That was such a harrowing finale," says Lepidus. "What was going through your head during those moments?"

"I couldn't watch," I say. "I didn't know what had happened, none of us did. One of my classmates quite literally had to pry my hands away from my face so I had to watch the screen. It was such a relief to watch him stand up, but I know all of us will mourn the loss of Lucy Gray."

"Of course we will," says Lepidus. "How are you doing right now, Venus? I mean, this must feel unreal," says Lepidus.

"This is probably the best moment of my life," I admit.

"It should be," says Lepidus before I can add to my previous statement. "A full ride to the University-"

"I'm not talking about the money or the glory," I interject. "I only did this assignment to bring my tribute home. I don't care about anything else. He's what matters most to me. Have you heard any updates?"

"The Peacekeepers who removed him from the Arena say he's alright. Quite dehydrated and a little unstable, but he will be well taken care of," promises Lepidus.

I sigh in relief. "Thank goodness," I say. "That was a little scary to watch."

Lepidus agrees with me before shooing me off to join my classmates in the dining hall, where I find cake and posca for all of the students and faculty. I am given a seat of honor at the front of the room. It's exhilarating, to see all of the celebrations in honor of my accomplishment. But it's not my achievement alone.

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