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We have another meeting with our tributes today. This one is designed for us to discuss strategy for the Games and Saturday's interview. As I sit down at Treech and I's table, I look around Heavensbee Hall. It's so much emptier than it was just last week. Three mentors are dead, with three more in the hospital. Coriolanus has been released, I can see him across the room, anxiously waiting for Lucy Gray.

The tables for the pairs from Districts 1 and 2 are notably empty. So is Clemensia's, though her tribute is still alive. Livia Cardew showed up, but her tribute, Facet died in his escape attempt. She left angrily after demanding to be given Reaper, Clemensia's tribute from District 11.

The tributes arrive, sitting at their designated tables. Everyone looks at least a little battered and bruised, but thankfully, no one seems seriously injured.

"Morning, Capitol," says Treech as the Peacekeeper chains him to the table.

"Wow, you're speaking first for once," I joke, trying to keep the conversation light.

"Don't get used to it," he says.

"How are your ribs?" I ask.

"Better. That stuff you gave me has been really helpful," he says.

"Do you mind if I take a look?" I ask.

"Go ahead," says Treech.

I slowly stand, moving to his side to crouch by him. I lift his shirt, wincing at the large bruises that still cover him. I gently touch his skin, pulling my hand back when he flinches away.

"Sorry," I whisper quickly.

"It's fine. It didn't hurt," says Treech. "Just a little jumpy."

"Well, you're in luck," I say. "It's looking a lot better. Just keep putting the medicine on it."

"How's your shoulder?" he asks. "You're not wearing your sling today."

"The doctor said I shouldn't need it," I say. "As long as I take my own medicine, I shouldn't have any problems with it."

"That's good," he says, his voice barely above a whisper. "Now, what are we doing today?"

"Discussing strategy," I say, pulling out my notebook. "Let's start with the Games. You're allied with Coral, Mizzen, and Tanner. What is that going to look like?"

Treech looks uncomfortable. "I mean, we haven't talked about it."

"You still feel guilty about Lamina," I assume.

Treech purses his lips. "Maybe a little," he says. "I shouldn't have left her."

"I know you feel bad, but think about it logically," I say calmly, not wanting to say anything to provoke him. "The pack will probably keep you alive longer. Having people to have your back should get you farther than if you're with only one other person."

"You're right. But it still sucks," says Treech, looking over at Lamina, who still looks distraught. "I don't want her to die thinking that I hate her."

"She won't think you hate her," I say, trying to reassure him. "Try to have her back in the arena from afar, just be careful about it."

"Speaking of the arena, what changed with the bombing? I'm assuming they haven't gotten rid of the rubble," says Treech.

"I doubt it," I say. "I haven't seen it in person, but I've heard the tunnels underneath the arena are open now. You can hide there, instead of being out in the open. We just don't have cameras down there, so I won't be able to help you if you need anything."

"So if I need something, I have to expose myself in the open?" Treech questions.

I shrug. "Pretty much."

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