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§ Followed by bad news §

Analia's POV

I was drying my hair with the hand towel I pulled from the rails. Just looking at my reflection in the mirror having a thousand thoughts, million memories and billion emotions all in one. At this moment, I wondered if this really is me. I could no longer be recognised, but it was just for that moment. I guess. I got distracted from my daze because of whoever was ringing my phone.
“Huh!” I sighed. “Why are you making life so unbearable for me by calling me all the time”
“No” said the familiar voice “You are making life unbearable for me by not answering my calls”
“ okay, so what's going on? I mean what are you doing at the moment” I asked.
“Nothing, just thinking about you” the voice teased.
“Gosh! There he goes again, teasing, teasing, teasing” I said pretending to be angry.
“It's not my fault. It's just that any time I hear your voice, this side of me comes out” the voice came again. I just sighed and didn't respond.
“Please, don't forget our deal” I pleaded.
“I'm scared with the way you're acting”
“No worries. But why?”
“I'll explain to you somewhere in the future”
“OK” he understood. Maybe.
“Thanks” like I really meant it.
“What are friends for anyways” from him.
“Good night then” I ended the conversation.
“Yah, good night” the call ended.
I changed into my night dress, studied a couple of hours and went to bed. Now, my mind was starting to go numb. From Jeanette to NJ to studies to ___ I was starting to go crazy. At this point of my life I felt like dying or just disappearing. Whenever the thought dawned on me that one day everything will come to an end, my heart thuded very hard in my chest. So loud that I could hear them in my ears.
“Am I doing the right thing?” I asked myself severally but I never had an answer. Maybe I had but I just couldn't accept it. My friendship with NJ strengthened. He did well by not disclosing our deal. Just as I thought I had recovered somehow, there she was, walking slowly towards the exit.

“Mon! ” I shouted. She stopped in her tracks not turning around to look at me. And that, I knew something was wrong.
“Is ____ anything the matter? You don't look well” me, speaking with concern. She lifted her gaze to meet mine and the tears rolled down the curve of her cheeks. Her eyes were still glistened with tears.
The journey to her place was a silent one as if the god of silence had been good to visit us. I was getting worried sick. She dropped her things on the floor when we entered her room. She threw herself unto the bed, the tears continued.
“You need to talk it out, especially with me” I tried to calm her down.
“I don't know what's going on but ____but”
*sob sob *
“You saw it right?” she asked.
“I did, but cool down” I thought that would do.
“I can't be calm. Now they'll talk about me. ‘she thought she was good, see her now’ they'll say”
She buried her face in the pillow and sobbed harder. I didn't know what to say next. Eventually, the tears stopped but her eyes were still red and shadowed with horror. It's my time now.
“What are you scared about? Your failure or mockery?” I asked.
“Both” she sniffed after answering.
“See, you can't stop people from mocking or talking about you. All you need to do is, better. Just do better and this will be fixed” I needed her to understand.
“How?” she screamed but she had lost her voice.
“We'll talk about that later. For now, get some rest” I kissed her goodbye.
Thank goodness mum had left for work. But what happened to her? I couldn't believe it. I got to know that we can't control everything in life but at least we can control our thoughts, feelings and attitudes about things that happen. I should have some rest too since I skipped class.
“Huh” I threw myself onto the bed *snap snap *and I was gone.

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