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Monse's POV.

¶Christmas eve ____

Every year, I watch dad do the decoration. This year, it was different. I hanged the stockings and cleaned the chimney. Jason, my brother, helped dad carry the artificial evergreen tree to the parlor. I held the box containing the ornaments.
“ Bring the garlands first” dad said pointing to the spiral arrangement of intertwined leaves. I gave it to him, he fixed it.
“ Now bring the baubles” dad again said pointing to the red spherical ornaments. We helped him hang them on the Christmas tree. I brought out the tinsel and he wrapped it around the tree.
The candy canes were next. I removed them one by one for dad to hang them around the tree. I took the last one, licked it and… Whoa! It is hundred percent lickable and delicious. It is flavoured with peppermint.
According to dad, a common story of the origin of candy canes says that in 1670,in Cologne, Germany, the children at the Cologne cathedral used to make noise a lot during the Living Crèche tradition of Christmas eve and the choirmaster wanted a solution. So he asked a local candy maker for some sugar sticks for them. That's how the candy cane thing came about.
After candy canes and lights, the only thing left was the star. Dad raised me so I can put the star in its place. Everything looked ___ perfect. I was glad I could help. The house was looking…. Can't find the right word.
A car halted at the Neal's residence . Two younger girls came running to the door. A woman also followed. The bell rang and Jason opened the door.
“Aunt Ollym” Jason said.
“Won't you let us in?” she replied with a smile.
He opened the door wider and they came in. The children rushed upstairs and knocked on my door. I opened the door and _
“Cousin Monse” they shouted.
“When did my angels arrive? Come give me a hug”.
They sat on my bed telling me stories, things that happened in their home.
“Neave, Sierra, come let me show you to your room” I said.
“No Monse, we want to be in your room” Neave, the older one spoke.
“ My room? But why?” I was curious.
“We missed you very much” it was Sierra, the younger one who spoke this time.
“mmm I see. Fine but I've got rules for you. Okay?”
“okayyy” they responded.
“One, you'll not disturb when I'm busy. Two, you'll shower. These are my only rules. Copied?”
“Copied” they giggled.
“To the bathroom, now!” I pointed the door to the bathroom. They rushed off.
“Huh” I sighed.

¶Later ___

“You're not asleep yet?” I asked raising an eyebrow.
“Can you please sing one Christmas song for us?” Sierra requested.
“But Christmas is tomorrow not today” I replied.
“I know. Just one please” she tried to convince.
“Fine but when I'm done, you're going to sleep right?”
“ok. Three, two, one. Let's go. Snow balls in the sky. Bells are ringing high, high, high. Now it's Christmas tiiiiiiiimee.”
“ Done now, go to sleep”
“Good night” they said.
“Good night” I responded.
“These angels are going to tire me out” I muttered under my breath.
I have been trying to make time to catch up with a few movies I haven't seen yet.

¶Christmas day _____

I woke up earlier than usual, did the needful and went downstairs with my cousins.
“ Merry Christmas to you dad, merry Christmas to you aunt Ollym.”
“Merry Christmas to you dear” they responded.
Jason went to check the stockings whether or not there are gold coins and to his disappointment, no gold coins from santa. Anyways that didn't spoil the fun at all. Aunt Ollym made chocolate chip and ginger bread cookies. Dad brought milk shake vanilla and iced tea. Our guests arrived for the cookie making party.
“Merry Christmas” they wished us.
Dad gestured them to the table. The air was filled with irresistible aroma of freshly baked cookies and the table was filled with mouth watering flavours of cookies.
I sat in between Jeanette and Analia, my young cousins sat beside Analia, followed by Aunt Ollym, then Jason, then dad, then miss Edith (Analia's mum), then Mr and Mrs Simms (Jeanette's parent).
Jason, my cousins, my girls and I went for milkshake, my favourite and chocolate chip cookies whiles the adults went with iced tea and gingerbread cookies. Everyone was excited. The cookie making party too soon for my liking. I went with Jean and Anna to my room to watch the movie ‘Christmas without snow’. Time flied that day. It was time for them all to leave including Aunt Ollym.
“Mr Neal, it was nice having a cookie party at your house” Mr Simms said.
“My pleasure” dad responded.
We exchanged gifts,what I call parting gifts.

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