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to: orange_bob

from: CMOM99


Sorry for breaking you're heart 😘

That makes sense that you're not from the village. Its not very big and everyone knows everyone. That is one thing I am not going to miss when I leave. It is a bit scary, the thought of travelling alone though.

Yes its just me and mum. I don't know my dad, never have. Mum has never spoken about him, and tbh it wouldn't surprise me if she didn't even know who it was. She always been all about herself. I've never really been interested in finding out. what about you? do you have siblings? Since you have confirmed you don't know anyone around the village, I will tell you my real first name (I can't bare the thought of you thinking my name is Carol). My name is Caitlyn

are you planning to go on holiday over summer? Your star sign tells me you're passionate, competitive, you don't love easily but when you do, you love whole heartedly - does this sound familiar? 🤔

sent 7:46am

to: CMOM99

from: orange_bob

It will take time but I think I can mend my broken heart.

Today is your last day at college, right? If it is, good luck!!😘

That sucks about your mum, she sounds like a real character. I have an older brother and two younger sisters. Were all pretty close and I work with my dad sometimes.

Caitlyn? I like that name much better than Carol as well. Hi Caitlyn, its nice to speak to you

I have three weeks off in June, I am planning to go to Greece with some of my friends for a bit which will be nice. So I've been thinking, when you're travelling will it be easy for you to email? I'd like to keep in touch and know you're safe

Wow that horoscope is very true to me. Its quite scary really. When is your birthday? I want to look up yours now

sent 10:00am

to: orange_Bob
from: CMOM99

It was my last day! All done and now I can relax over the weekend before leaving on Monday.3 siblings? Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to have others to grow up with. Chaotic and fun I guess.

Greece? You really like to travel huh?Honestly, I hadn't even thought about access to emails but it might not be that easy. Without being too forward, we could exchange numbers? I like the thought of someone checking in on me

My birthday is 17th August so I am a Leo. I'll let you read about it before confirming if it reflects me or not

sent 16:22 pm

to: CMOM99

from: orange_bob

sure we can swap numbers, travelling alone could be scary - my number is 07778886422. I do like travelling but like I said before it can be lonely. Sometimes it would be nice to be in one place and have a proper home instead of living out of suitcases. Eating alone is not much fun either.

So it says that you're artistic which I know to be true since you love writing. You're fiercely loyal? Adventurous and a risk taker? I think this is also true, I mean you're going out travelling on your own in like three days

I have never really looked into horoscopes before but maybe I should start paying attention more. Interestingly, it also says Scorpio and Leo have 89% compatibility 😜

sent 6:00pm

to: CMOM99
from: orange_bob

What hope means
Hope is bright shining light which keeps darkness at the bay
Hope is gentle cold breeze on a hot summer day
Hope is to remain positive when going gets tough
hope is seeking more when others think u had enough

What hope means
Hope is dreaming of tomorrow
Hope is simmering under sorrow
Hope is sparkles when tears in our eyes
Hope is a beautiful thing & beautiful things never dies

What hope means
Hope is as light as a feather
Hope keeps all of us together
Hope is ubiquitous and free of cost
hope is the last thing ever lost.....
- Vineet Bansal

sent 6:10pm

Caitlyn read the poem with tears in her eyes. It was truly beautiful and the fact that Bob had looked up a poem for her made her cry even more. Nobody had ever done something so special for her EVER. She quickly facetimed Michelle and told her everything

M - Is this guy for real? He seems too good to be true!

C - I didn't think he would just give me his number, no questions asked. Should I message him now or just wait until I am away?

M - text him now so he has your number. Just something simple though

C - Okay. Love you

M - love you too!

Caitlyn- Hi Bob, just sending a message so you have my number. Thanks for the poem, its the sweetest thing anyone has done for me ❤️Caitlyn

Bob- No problem Caitlyn. I have work stuff this weekend but enjoy your last weekend before going away. I'll message when I can

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