Chapter 7

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"There you are."

Nami called out to Luffy after she, Zoro and Chiyo found him.
He was talking with a tanned boy on a big ship and the other three looked up at the from the ground.

"Guys!" Luffy yelled down to them "I found it!" he said and Chiyo raised an eyebrow. The ship was gorgeous and she made her way up the wooden stairs where Luffy stood, examing the ship.

"I found our ship. And this guy will sell it to us." Luffy said and walked down to Nami and Zoro while Chiyo followed him.

"Wait, uh what?" The stranger said as he also came down with them.

"Yeah! The ship. We'll take it."

"Technically she's not for sale.. And technically I'm not a salesman.." The guy said slowly.

"Do you even work here?" Nami asked.

"Of course I do."

"I'm chief technician in charge of encrustation removal and aviary waste eradication." The guy exclaimed further.

"Encru what?"

"He scrubs barnacles and cleans bird shit." Zoro explained for Luffy.

"He can't help us." Nami spoke.

"Wait, wait, wait! I can help you." The boy quickly said.

"And how?" Chiyo asked with crossed arms, speaking up for the first time.

"The owner of this ship just happens to be my closest friend in the world." the guy answered smugly.

"Your friend owns this ship?"

"Not just this one. She owns the whole shipyard. She's rich rich. I'm sure you could strike a deal with her." He told them.

"See!" Luffy said, he and the guy making weirdly the same hand motion..

"Well I guess it couldn't hurt to say hello.."


"I've never seen a house this big before." Luffy said as they stepped into the front yard of a mansion.

"Impressive right? Kaya's given me an open invantion to drop by anytime I want." The guy, Usopp, said.

"Wow." Luffy exclaimed "All this just for one person?"

"Well she lives here with her butler and a few other staff." Usopp explained, leaning against the well in the middle of this circle.

"Money really shows you who people truly are." Spoke Nami "Most people only care about themselves and what's theirs."

"Sounds like someone I know."

"And a small staff makes for easy pickings." Nami said and they all began walking again.

"Why? Gonna rob the place blind?" Zoro asked and Chiyo glanced at them. The girl wanted to see this Kaya woman first and then she'd decide if she'd maybe also accompany Nami in taking a few things with them..

"So if you have an inventation, why are we found around the backway?" Luffy asked and Chiyo caught herself not even noticing that. She needs to pay more attention. Concentrate!

"Oh I never use the front entrance. This is more of a VIP entrance reserved for special guests." Usopp told them.

Sure. Chiyo raised her eyebrows at the obvious lie.

"This guy's full of shit." Zoro said from behind her.

"Yeah but as long as he gets us into the house. Who cares?" Nami said.

Coming closer to the building they saw people cleaning in front of the door and Usopp turned around again "Oop, you know there actually a more exclusive entrance this way."

Before someone could say anything a knife flew from behind Usopp and landed between his feet.

"The hell are you doing here Usopp?" The guy that threw the knife approached them with a woman behind him.

"Buchi, Buddy. Kaya's expecting me." Usopp told them.

"Another one of your lies." The man said and grabbed Usopp by the collar "You ain't welcome here and you know it."

"I know nothing of the sort. I'm here to give Kaya an extra special gift."


Came a soft voice and Nami, Zoro, Luffy and Chiyo looked at each other when a woman in a pink dress with a butler at her arm approached.

"What a wonderful surprise!"

Usopp gave the man he was being held by a smug look and pulled his hands away before walking to the woman "Kaya!"

"Happy birthday." Usopp told her and Kaya smiled "You remembered."

"Of course I did." Usopp smiled before the butler cleared his throat and announced him "Usopp. We've had this discussion. You mustn't show up unannounced."

"Nonsense Klahadore." Kaya told her butler before turning to Usopp again "Have you come to tell me another story. I do love hearing about your adventures."

"I'll do you one better. I brought some of my crew." Usopp said and turned to look back us the four others.

"Is he talking about us?" Luffy asked.

"No must be some other crew." Chiyo waved her hand dismissingly.

"It's so nice to meet you. You all must stay for dinner." Kaya told them and Chiyo smiled at her kindness. You could see from a mile away how pure and loving Kaya was and Chiyo already took a liking to her, her instincts in making friends not failing her, ever.

"Miss Kaya. It is a bit last minute. I'm afraid the kitchen hasn't prepared for any extra guests." Kaya's butler said.

"Please Klahadore. It's my birthday. Can't be too much trouble, can it?" Kaya pleaded sweetly.

"Of course miss Kaya. Anything for you." The weird butler gave in.

"Alright! When do we eat?" Luffy clapped his hands.

"You don't. Not dressed like that." The butler said.

"Sham. Kindly show Usopp and his friends to the guest suites. You will bathe and change before dinner."

"A bath does sound nice." Nami said and Chiyo agreed with her.

"Totally. I'll take a loooooong bath. Don't search for me if I miss dinner." Chyio stretched with a yawn and they all stepped in the building.

(AN) :

Okay it has been quite some time and I'm sorry but I just didn't have motivation so here is a small chapter because I'm slowly getting back into writing :)

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